Yesterday after a solid 8 hours of sleep I was ready to face the day. It really was nice to get a good night's sleep for once. Seth and I showered and got ready for the parade. We were both disappointed to see that it was rainy outside. Dammit, for the second year in a row. But oh well. We bought an umbrella at Wal-Mart (I didn't have one) and then headed off to Atlanta. Luckily we got there earily enough so that we actually found a parking spot very close to the park. . . and it was free. Woo-hoo! No paying $8 for parking like last year. Before the parade, we headed to the park where there were all these booths and stuff set up. They were giving away brochures for everything. It was nice seeing all the gay friendly companies. We also got a brochure to register for the AIDS Walk, which I think we plan to do again. . . .but then I saw the date. October 16th. Doh. The day after Laura's wedding. If I do decide to do it, I will either have to leave late the night of her wedding or early the next morning. Seth told me I should get Laura to reschedule the wedding. Hmmm. . . what are the chances of that?? Anyway, after walking the park for a while we walked to Subway to buy some lunch. I wasn't going to touch the stuff they were selling in the park. It was all jumbo corn dogs, fries, mongolian barbecue, quesadillas, etc. So we got a healthy sub and went to find a good spot to watch the parade.
We found a pretty decent spot to watch the parade and while we were waiting for it to come through our part of town, we met a couple of funny gay guys, Tommy and Eric.
Tommy: "Wouldn't it be funny if all the gay guys were on one side of the street and all the lesbians were on the other? It'll be like gym class."
Me: "Where do all the straight people go?"
Tommy: "They have to be in the parade. They have to walk in the middle of the street so we can point and laugh at them."
Isn't he great? They were from Mrytle Beach. As he said, all 12 gay people from Myrtle Beach came to Georgia for Gay Pride. How lovely. Finally, the parade started and it was great. Of course, I'm not sure if the floats were as good as last year. But there were some very good ones. Gay Pride really is the best time of the year in Atlanta. After a couple of hours, the parade ended and Seth and I headed home.
On the way home, I was nodding off when I got a very rude awakening. Seth was driving and we were moving into the right lane. We were already halfway into the lane when apparently this idiot on the right decides he wants to be in the same lane as us. Seth had to slam on the brakes really, really hard so that we wouldn't hit him. I mean, we came thisclose to getting into another accident. And this would not have been our fault. Then a few miles down the road we realized something was wrong with my car. Perfect. Seth doesn't think that there's something wrong with the brakes or something just from us slamming on the brakes. He says it feels like something happened to the tire and that it messed up the tread on the tire. He says it'll smooth itself out and if it doesn't I'll need a new tire. My poor, poor car. At last that's cheaper and easier to fix than if something happened to it internally.
When we got home, Seth did look at the tire and he kind of saw where the tread on it was messed up a little. Then he left and I was faced with the daunting task of starting my family tree. I got a lot of work done on it, though I did have to call my mom with some names and dates (which I did not enjoy). I did find out thet her mother was married 6 times (twice to the same man). Oy.
But I got 90% of that done and then Robert called me. He said that his friend was still staying with him, but that he was trying to find someone else for him to stay with. He also told me that he was thinking of going back to Europe for his back surgery because they have better doctors there. It's not set or anything yet, but I know if he does go to Europe, it's probably going to be over with us. It's not like Robert's going to make an effort to keep in touch with me while he's over there. I don't even know how long he would be over there if he went. Who knows. . . Robert and I might end up breaking up before he goes over there. Since he doesn't have that video project anymore and his friend isn't going to be staying with him anymore, I'll see if he has more time for me now. If he still acts the same this week, I might just have to bite the bullet and do what must be done. I'm tired of only seeing him once every two weeks. After my conversation with him, I was drained and exhausted. Even though it was only 11, I decided to hit the sack.
So today I woke up around 9, so I got a solid 10 hours of sleep. I feel very rested. Now I get to finish my family tree and study for my final that I have tomorrow, which will be no big deal. Robert said he would call me tonight and I guess maybe we'll get together. I don't know. . . . we'll see, I guess. I'm just going to do my thing and not worry about it.