Crazy Talk

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Location: Naples, Italy

Living in Italy with my husband, who is a civilian employee of the US Navy. I am addicted to books!

Sunday, September 02, 2007


Did you know that the New York Stock Exchange started as a coffee shop? True story . . .

I'm graduating November 30th and I'm not afraid to say that I am panicking more than a little bit. Right now, I am studying for a major comprehensive exam that I have to pass in order to even graduate. I've been studying every spare second I can. I mean it . . . every second. Boy Wonder was kind enough to buy me some lecture CD's to go along with my study guide. So I' studying even when I'm in my car. The scary thing is that when I'm not studying, my mind is literally racing with all of the things I'm trying to cram in there . . . dates, vocabulary, people, concepts, whatever. My exam is in thirteen days, so wish me luck.

I'm trying to update my resume and hopefully, I will be able to get a job. I'm looking. I may (and I really don't know yet), but I may be able to at least get a part-time job at the place where I'm doing my internship. We'll see about that. All I know is I am really tired of doing the secretary thing. I need a real job.

I am totally excited about this weekend. I am flying to Rochester to see one of my bestest buddies, Luke. Yay! It will be nice to relax a little and I will try my best not to study too much while I'm there. It will be really hard not to think in test question mode though. Apparently, everything I see reminds me of some counseling concept and then I start trying to quiz myself on everything related to that concept. It's nuts.

On another note, things are somewhat better between me and Boy Wonder. Therapy is helping me (a LOT) and we are starting to get back a lot of what we had. It's nice. He makes me happy. We still talk about our future and I'm sure we'll be married one day. I'm not in a huge rush though. I think I like where we are right now and I'm going to let myself enjoy that for a little whhile before worrying about the future.