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Location: Naples, Italy

Living in Italy with my husband, who is a civilian employee of the US Navy. I am addicted to books!

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Why do people keep feeding my paranoia?

Today was nice and uneventful. Waking up at 5:30 to deal with rush hour for the first time since Friday was tough. . . and the weather did not make it any easier. It rained all day today and apparently it is supposed to rain all through the weekend. Oh joy. I arrived at work to a ton of e-mails, including a notice from my boss regarding a monthly team meeting that just happens to be scheduled while I'm to be on vacation in Rochester. Hmm. . . this is the second meeting in a row that has been scheduled during my vacation time. Coincidence? I happened to mention this and Dwight said that it was because everyone was talking about me. Okay, why did he have to say that? I already think everything is a conspiracy theory. Then Rochelle said, "We keep trying to think of ways to get you to quit, Cindy, but you just won't go down without a fight." Ahh. . . coworker love, right?

I did get a lot of work done on a big work project though. Work passed quickly. Dwight agreed to Sunday as the big date for our video interview for my class. I really should do something nice for him on Sunday as a thank-you. Maybe I'll cook him dinner or something. Lasagna would be good. I haven't cooked lasagna in forever. I guess I'm just Little Miss Homemaker lately with all of this cooking. After work, I went to the gym (as Dwight said, "Big Surprise") and the rain was just making Atlanta drivers even crazier. Then I went to the grocery store because I had absolutely no food. After that, I spent the next couple of hours relaxing and watching the stupidest show ever, "Beauty and the Geek." Seriously, why the hell did I watch that? And when my dad got home, he showed me how to work his video camera for my interview on Sunday. I'm a little nervous about it, but I think I'll do fine. God, I am so tired. I'm going to shower and finish laundry and hit the sack. I know. . . it's been a boring day.


Blogger Luke said...

You are soooo boring. I'm falling asleep here!

Just kidding.

Wish me luck on my exams!

June 02, 2005 11:19 AM  
Blogger Cynthia said...

I'm sorry we all can't be as exciting as you. Jeesh!

June 02, 2005 1:59 PM  
Blogger Luke said...

Buck up!

June 03, 2005 2:48 PM  

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