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Location: Naples, Italy

Living in Italy with my husband, who is a civilian employee of the US Navy. I am addicted to books!

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

It's going to be a long, hot day

Well Sunday was spent fooling around on the video camera with Seth some more. We are so funny, I swear. Then he left because he wasn't feeling that well. I had my interview with my cousin that night. I think that one went very well. She was quite the talker. I think I have some good stuff to present to my class. I definitely found out some interesting stuff about her, too. So it was good. It lasted exactly one hour and then I headed home. I told my dad to burn the interview onto DVD. I also asked him to burn the tapes that Seth and I made onto DVD. I can't wait to see how those turn out. Of course I asked him not to watch them while they were burning. The interviews are supposed to be confidential and he really didn't want to hear what Seth and I were talking about. Hehe.

Monday I had to get up to go to work, even though I usually had the day off. I switched with a coworker to get Saturday off to go to Rochester. That's one less vacation day that I have to use. Pretty clever, huh? Work was kind of steady and quiet the whole day. It's actually pretty dead on Mondays because a lot of people have the day off. The day went by surprisingly fast, which was good because I just wanted to get out of there. I had so much to do to get ready for my trip. After work, I went home and started packing. I wanted that chore done. My dad finished burning the DVD's for me. I watched them and they came out great. So I had to watch my interview with my cousin and decide on what segment to show to my class. An hour's worth of videotape and they only want to see 10 minutes. Ha. But I finally found 10 minutes of pretty good footage that I wanted to show them. I also managed to do laundry, clean out my car, clean my room, do the dishes, and finish packing. How's that for getting stuff done?

I text messaged and called Robert, but he did not call me back. Bastard. I left him a message asking if he wanted to get together on Tuesday since I was going out of town on Wednesday. I also needed to know if he could still pick me up from the airport on Sunday when I got back. I told myself I wouldn't call him again, but I did anyway. I called him around 10:30 and apparently woke him up. He told me he would call me back. Didn't think he would, but he did. He told me he was still working on this video thing for his friend's wedding from three years ago or something. Of course he told me he was supposed to have finished it on Sunday. So he may or may not be able to see me Tuesday depending on how far he gets along with it, even though supposedly his friend is supposed to pick it up today anyway. I get the feeling he's making excuses. If he doesn't see me, then by the time I get back from Rochester, it will have been over a week since we've seen each other. He did say he would be able to pick me up from the airport though. I'm thinking that if he does make excuses on why he can't see me tonight, I may just get someone else to pick me up from the airport so that I don't have to see him right when I get back. I think I'm finally getting tired of this back and forth stuff with him. He wants me, he doesn't, he wants me, he doesn't. . . and you get the idea. I think this time out of town and away from him will be just what I need. It'll give me time to clear my head and think about what I want to do. Great, now I'm depressed.

Today's temperature will rise to 92 degrees and the humidity will make it feel like 100. I don't need this. I'm a little nervous about my presentation tonight. But it'll be fine. 10 minutes of my class listening to my interview and then less than five minutes for them to tear me down. I'm supposed to call Robert later to see if he can see me, I guess. At least I am all packed for Rochester so that's out of the way. And I'm taking a half day vacation tomorrow so I don't have to wake up at 5:30. Yay! I'm so excited about seeing Luke. If anyone can cheer me up, he can. And maybe Laura too. :)


Blogger Luke said...

Isn't it great? Seeing everyone all at once (minus Vaca)?

If the interview is supposedly confidential.. why are you showing it to your class?? ;)

I dun want to give you advice about Robert.. that's what Seth is for.. but I think he's acting like most single men would.. you're in his mind when its convenient to them.. sorry :(

Ashley says hi.

June 14, 2005 6:31 PM  
Blogger Cynthia said...

The interview is for instructional purposes. . .duh. :) And I appreciate your advice about Robert. I know you're my friend and you love me and just want me to be happy. So of course you can feel free to give me advice about anything. . . even when I don't necessarily ask for it. :)

June 15, 2005 2:05 PM  

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