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Location: Naples, Italy

Living in Italy with my husband, who is a civilian employee of the US Navy. I am addicted to books!

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Saturday has finally arrived!

So yesterday work was madness. Was there a full moon that I didn't know about? I get a call from some idiot who's pissed because one of the agents who responded to his complaint via e-mail didn't give her last name. Umm. . . duh. What customer service line allows their agents to give their last names?? He was mad and I thought it was going to turn into a supervisor call. I hate those. Luckily, it wasn't. He was still mad when we got off the phone, but I managed to stop him from speaking to a supervisor. Goody for me. My damn throat has been bothering me all week. I've been hoarse and it's been a little sore. I hope it doesn't get any worse. I don't know if it's from traipsing around the park with Luke in the rain or from working in an office that is continually kept at 20 degrees. It's a toss-up. Poor Dwight, he's been battling a cough for about a month because his desk was right underneath our air vent. They actually had to move his desk before he caught pneumonia. I'm sure mine will clear up soon though.

After work I spoke to Luke briefly. He sounds like he's having a great time in D.C. I'm so jealous. I wish I were in D.C. I hope I get to visit Laura soon. That would be great. I headed to the gym for my workout. It wasn't as busy, which was good. I got in a really good leg and thigh workout. I hadn't worked them in a while. Then I went to Target to get a few things and then on to PF Changs to meet the gang from work for dinner. It was really a lot of fun. I had never eaten there before. The food was only okay. I had a great time hanging out with everyone from work though. There were about 15 of us and we had a blast. I didn't get out of there until after 10 so I didn't get home until after 11. So much for getting a good night's rest tonight. Oh well.

Today work was slow at first, but then we got pretty steady. But even with the steady flow of phone calls and e-mails, I managed to get a lot of work done on this big work project that I've been working on for a while. I might actually finish it on Tuesday when I go back. Woo-hoo! On my lunch break, I started a rough draft on my family tree for my class. It's going to be a little complicated, I think. There are so many marriages and remarriages and children. And then I have to draw the emotional relationships between people. That ought to be fun. There's a lot of hate in my family. Of course there is. . . it's the South. Finally the day was over and I came home to deal with my computer. I still can't get my pictures to download. I tried restoring my computer and that's not working. I don't know what's going on. It's pissing me off though.

But Seth came over tonight. Yay. . . the only bright spot in my long, exhausting week!! It's so nice to spend time with him. We went to Sonic and got some food to go. I actually managed to refrain from getting a cheeseburger. I got a Grilled Chicken Sandwich instead and just splurged a little and got some Fries. How good am I? We then came back home and began watching Aviator. It's a long movie, but so far it seems really good. Howard Hughes seems like such an interesting character and Leonardo DiCaprio is HOT! I decided to stop it halfway through (it's a 3 hour movie) because I was tired and we have to get up early tomorrow for Gay Pride. But we did see 4 deer in my dad's yard feeding on the deer corn. They were sooo cute!! Now I have to shower and get ready for bed because we have a big day tomorrow. Gay Pride Rules!


Blogger Lisa said...

Sounds like you've had a huge week. Nice to sit down and relax with friends at the end of it all. I know what you mean about the constant temp at work. I work in 21 celcius every's freezing outside, and the heat hits you when you walk in...surely that's a fever of sorts waiting to happen! lol

Hope your next week is not so exhausting.

June 25, 2005 11:53 PM  

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