Crazy Talk

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Location: Naples, Italy

Living in Italy with my husband, who is a civilian employee of the US Navy. I am addicted to books!

Monday, January 30, 2006

Decisions, decisions

Kim and I are not going to be able to go to the Bitter Ball after all. The gala for my shelter is going to start too late on that day. And I'm probably going to have to stay to help clean up and stuff, so we're not really going to have time to do both. It kind of sucks, but oh well. It's a good thing that we didn't buy our tickets yet. But Kim volunteered to help me at the gala. She's going to go and volunteer her time since she never has a chance to go out or anything. Of course this all hinges on Dave keeping the kids for her that night. I swear, he can be such a jerk sometimes. Every time she wants him to keep the kids, he acts like he's doing her such a great big favor and she has to practically beg him to do it. I don't know why he doesn't want to spend time with his kids. He just doesn't want the responsibility, I guess. And it really pisses me off because every time he leaves Kim's place, he says "I'll be praying for both of you." As if we need his prayers. What does his God think about the fact that he never wants to take care of his kids? Yeah, he needs to focus on himself.

Anyway, my sister isn't working out too well with my dad's business. They got into an argument last week because she didn't do something he asked her to and then she lied about it. He actually gave her this entire week off, so I am covering the phones all this week. He's forwarding the calls to my cell phone on the days that I am here watching Kim's kids. I don't mind. It's extra money. He said that he may fire her, so I may be doing it every day from now on. Jenifer (my sister) is so awful. She just wants to take advantage of her father. She thinks that she can do whatever she wants and be as lazy as she wants and he's just going to put up with it because she's his daughter. He has a business to run and he can't put up with incompetent people.

I found out this past weekend that my shelter is looking for people to work part-time. I mentioned that I would be interested in working there. The woman I was speaking to mentioned it to the shelter director. The shelter director spoke to me and said that she would be interested in hiring me. I'm supposed to e-mail my resume to her this week. If I get the job, that will be three jobs that I have, plus school. The only shifts my schedule is going to allow me to work is overnights (11pm to 7am). I'm sure I could handle three jobs. I have before. But an overnight job is going to take a lot out of me. And if I have to work overnights and go to another day job every single day, I am so never going to sleep again. That may be wearing myself a bit thin. I guess I have to see if they'll hire me or not and see how much they're going to need me to work (since it will be only part-time). If I so get hired, I would really like to work there. It's good experience and I'm sure the pay will be better than $6/hour (which is what I'm at right now). I may have to give up one of my jobs. Now, I wouldn't do that without giving two weeks notice. Even though I'm working for my dad and my best friend, I would still want to do that.

I just feel bad about quitting on either of them. If I do go to full-time with dad, then I will be the only employee he has to answer the phones. If I quit on Kim, she may have to find a day care place, which will be more expensive. This is why you shouldn't work with family or friends. Things get more complicated. But I have to do what's best for me in the long run, right? Does that sound too selfish? I hope not. I know I'm going to feel bad regardless of who I stop working for. I guess I'll just have to see if I get hired at the shelter or not. And I have to see if my dad is going to let my sister go. Then, we'll see where I'm at.

By the way. . . in case anyone's interested, I am pretty much finished with the rough draft of my Ethics paper. Woo-hoo! It's not due until a week from now so I will have all week to edit and edit and then edit some more. And I'm sure I will.

Friday, January 27, 2006

from A to Z

I stole this off someone else's blog because I thought it was pretty cool. I love spending my time answering mindless questions. I know, I know. . . I should do my damn paper already. Don't worry, I'm almost done with the rough draft. I promise!

A - Age you got your first Kiss: don't even remember; it was so long ago and I don't think it was very good because the memory is very fuzzy. Besides, I've kissed so many guys since then who are much better kissers
B - Band listening to right now: nothing right now, but in my car I have Pussycat Dolls. I'm addicted to their CD. I also have the Rent soundtrack. I love the movie and the music
C- Crush: none at the moment
D- Drink of Choice: Sweet Tea usually, but alas the caffeine is bad for my migraines. . . so I usually stick to water or Sprite
E - Easiest person: ha. That would be me. . . I've been way too easy, but I intend to change that.
F - Favorite band at the moment: Pussycat Dolls totally
G - Gummy worms or gummy bears?: such a hard choice as I like them both. I like the gummy bears though because I like biting the heads off the cute little bears. Haha. . . I'm so evil
H - Holiday: the Thanksgiving that I spent with Dos in Rochester in '02. It was fun eating turkey and pie at Perkins. Who needs family really?
I - Instruments: I played the flute for a year when I was in fifth grade, but I had no motivation to practice. I've always wanted to learn the piano though.
J - Juice: orange
K-Kids: want to adopt, not give birth. And please don't give me that tired line, "Why don't you want any of your own?" That's just stupid.
L - Longest car ride ever: Kim and I driving from Georgia to Rochester. . . and back again.
M - Major: Psychology
N - Nicknames: Reuder (don't ask), Cindy, Uno, Cindy #1, Cindy-Loo (don't ever call me that if you want to live), Cindy baby (compliments of my mother)
O - One wish: right now, it's to finish this damn Ethics paper (almost done!)
P - Phobia[s]: heights and escalators
Q - Quote: "The race is not given to the swift or the brave, but to those who endure to the very end." - unknown
R - Reason to smile: thought of graduation, traveling (to anywhere really), spending time with my friends
S - Song you sang last: Unwritten by Natasha Bedingfield. It's a fabulous song and I wish I had that CD
T - Time you woke up [today]: 7:00
U - Unknown fact about me: if you read my blog, you pretty much know everything about me. If there's anything I haven't shared, just let me keep that one, okay?
V - Vegetable you hate: Beans. I don't care what kind they are; if they're in the bean family, I detest them. Of course, I do like chili. Huh. Weird
W - Worst thing to have happened to you: I guess this is the unknown fact about me. I've had lots of bad things happen to me, but my close friends know the worst one. But I've managed to put it behind me.
X-rays you've had: Well, I had MRIs done on my head before they diagnosed me with migraines (they thought I had a tumor); I also had an X-ray done on my knee after I dislocated it doing yoga over a year ago. Ugh, so painful
Y - Yummy food: anything spicy and Sonic chili cheeseburgers and their orange cream shake; yeah, I've had a craving for Sonic for weeks. I'm really sorry to those of you who have never experienced it
Z - Zodiac sign: Taurus

I don't usually tag people, but I guess I will this time:

Luke (just because I felt like it and you recently tagged me. Isn't it fun?)
Effin Nobody (really curious to know more about you and your answers to these things are great)

Anyone else who wants to steal this, feel free.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006


I decided to use this post to show off me all dressed up on New Year's Eve, as well as pictures of my beautiful godsons. Below are the ones from New Year's Eve when Kim and I got all dressed up and went out for dinner. For those of you in the blog community who don't know what I look like, I am the tall one with glasses. :)

Below are some pictures of my beautiful godsons. Christian is the oldest and Adrian is the smaller one.

Don't I look great? Oh, and the babies look adorable, too. :)

Tuesday, January 24, 2006


I am using this blog post as an excuse not to do what I know I should be doing. Sorry, but my mind is a total and utter blank right now and I figured that I would ramble to my faithful audience out there. I apologize in advance.

I'm trying to work on my paper that I have to do for my Ethics class. The paper is due on the 6th. I know that I still have time, but I would like to get a rough draft done. Plus, our midterm is next Wednesday so I have to study for that. My professor is going to be such a stickler for the technical things. He's already said that. I know I'm going to be worried about the placement of every comma, period, noun, adverb, etc. He's big on grammar. Ordinarily, I think my grammar isn't that bad. But to have someone who edits for a living look at it? Yeah, you see my dilemma. He's the editor of a Psychology journal so it's his job to pick apart mistakes like that. I'm kind of in the middle of a writer's block right now. I did manage to do some research and I have a lot of articles that I'm sure I can use. I also have my introduction done. Well. . . kind of. I have half a page done and when I say it's a rough draft, I mean that it's rough. No matter how rough of a draft it is, I would like to get the rough draft done this week. It's kind of hard when my topic isn't even coming together and I'm not even sure what I want to say. I'm sure it will come together eventually. It always does. I am glad that I will have my paper out of the way by the time Luke comes. However, I will have a cumulative final in my class the day that he leaves. Oy. I'll just have to study really hard before he gets here.

I got a call today from the volunteer director of the shelter. She said that our Annual Hearts with Hope gala is coming up soon. It's a big black-tie fundraiser for PADV (Partnership Against Domestic Violence). She said that they choose volunteers that they want to help out with the event and they want me to help. That made me feel really good. I'll help out with the fundraising and I get to go to a fancy party. Woo-hoo! The gala is on the 11th and that is the same night as the Bitter Ball. The Bitter Ball is this singles-only party that is given by a radio station every year at a nightclub in Atlanta. Kim and I were planning to go this year. I'm hoping that the Bitter Ball doesn't start until late. If so, then we could possibly do both. I just couldn't say no to helping out with this event. I can't even believe that they asked me since I haven't really been there that long. I think it will be fun, though.

Okay, I think that's enough rambling for now. I really should go back to my work for class. Work on the paper or study for the midterm. . . whatever, as long as I do something.

Monday, January 23, 2006

I've been tagged

I have just been tagged by my good friend Luke, so here are a few things about me:

4 jobs you have had:

1. telemarketer (really, I have such respect for those people)
2. secretary
3. customer service representative (for Alltel, a phone company, and for Coca-Cola)
4. cashier at K-Mart

4 movies you could watch over and over:

1. Chicago
2. Beauty and the Beast
3. Bring it On
4. Runaway Bride

4 places you have lived:

1. Winder, GA (house where I grew up)
2. Cornelia, GA (apartment with Kim)
3. Rochester, NY
4. Monroe, GA (living currently)

4 TV shows you love to watch (like Luke, this was tough because there are just so many):

1. Simpsons
2. Will and Grace
3. Desperate Housewives
4. Grey's Anatomy

4 Favorite Books:

1. My Sweet Audrina by V.C. Andrews
2. She's Come Undone by Wally Lamb
3. and 4. - I have read so many books throughout my lifetime and I can't possibly list any more. This question is like, "Which child do you like best?"

4 places you have been on vacation:

1. Los Angeles, CA
2. Rochester, NY
3. Disneyland (such a BLAST)
4. Washington, D.C. (does it really count as a vacation if I was only there for 2 days for a wedding? whatever. . . I had fun)

4 websites you visit daily:

3. (sorry, I like playing their games. they are adddictive)
4. (my school)

4 favorite foods:

1. anything Mexican
2. Dim Sum
3. Yogurt Burst Cheerios (but I have really grown quite fond of cereal lately)
4. cheesecake

4 places you would rather be right now:

1. Grand Bahamas (3 1/2 months and counting)
2. Los Angeles
3. Rochester, NY (yeah he town might not be much, but there are a few good people up there. And of course there is the newly opened Golden Port! God how I miss it)
4. Washington, D.C. (yeah I kind of miss Laura. . . and I really haven't spent that much time in that city)

I'm not really going to tag anybody because I'm not really sure who reads my blog on a daily basis. I don't have a blog stalker program like Luke. :) Luke is the only one I know for sure reads it regularly and he's already done this. I'm just going to say that for whoever reads this. . . consider yourself tagged!

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Visit to the Aquarium

Kim and I finally made a visit to the world's largest aquarium in Atlanta. Woo-hoo! We had tried to make reservations on Friday for Saturday, but they said they were all booked up. However, we decided to try our luck anyway since we had Annual Passes. We were in luck, too. Walk-up ticket sales for the general public were sold out, but since we had Annual Passes we just walked up and got tickets. Not a problem. It was so incredibly crowded. I am not kidding. It was insanity.

I was immediately impressed by the size of the place. I haven't been to a huge number of aquariums, but it certainly seemed like it was the world's largest. Our first stop was to go get our pictures taken for our official Annual Passes. There was huge line and a sign that said the average wait time was ONE HOUR. They did say that we had the option of getting our pictures taken on our next visit. But we figured that it was going to be like this every single visit. Besides, my next visit is probably going to be with Luke and I certainly don't want him to have to stand around for an hour waiting for me to get my picture taken. This thing has been open for two months now and the newness has definitely not worn off.

After we finally got that taken care of, we went to the food court to eat. It was a nice eatery with tons of options. They had burgers, hot dogs, fries, salads, wraps, yogurt. They had a lot of fresh fruit there as well. So there was junk food and healthier stuff. The food was expensive, naturally. We had a 20% discount because of our Annual Passes so that helped. Then we were off to view all of the exhibits. I just have to say that pushing two babies around in strollers was a really good cardio workout. There were so many different types of fish. All of the tanks were amazing and I'm impressed with how much work it must have taken to put the entire thing together. There were Beluga whales, sharks, sea lions, sea otters, penguins, and so much more. The kids were in awe. There was even a place that had tanks where you could touch the fish. The kids touched horseshoe crabs and starfish. Actually, Adrian touched the fish. Christian touched the crabs, but then he got spooked and refused to touch the starfish. He just started crying when I put him near the tank. Poor thing. Above are a few pictures of the kids in front of a giant fish tank. . . one of many. All in all, it was a good day. We had to leave at 6 because they closed. Seriously, that's early. We spent 2 hours actually looking at the exhibits and there were still a couple of exhibits that we didn't get to thoroughly enjoy. We also didn't have time to look through the two gift shops that the aquarium had. The exit was behind one of the shops, so we did get a chance to glance at stuff as we headed out. But that shop was so crowded that we were not going to stop and actually look. Our feet were killing us by the time that we left. We were so exhausted.

Yesterday, Kim and I also got to apply for a passport and mail off our Airtran coupons for the free flights. So now we just have to wait for the passport and wait for Airtran to apply the coupons to our account and we can begin to actually make reservations for our trip. I can't wait. I am beyond excited. Woo-hoo!

Friday, January 20, 2006

Stupid Fights

I had a stupid fight with Kim last night. We have plans to go to the Aquarium on Saturday (if we can get reservations). She asked me if I had plans to spend the night with her that night or not and I told her I wasn't sure. She said that if I was not going to spend the night with her, then she was going to get Dave to take the kids overnight so she could go out and "find something to do." I guess I made some comment like, "Oh so you don't want to do anything with me?" I was joking and then she made the comment that we hang out together a lot. Maybe that's true, but we're pretty much with the kids 24/7. She replied that we spend time without them after they go to bed, which is kind of early. If that's enough of a break, then why is she always so adamant that Dave give her a break? She has a break when they go to bed.

I guess I just got offended because she had said she would only get Dave to take the kids if I wasn't going to be there. But if I was, then by all means, let's hang out with her kids all night long. I mean, we never go to a movie or go have a meal without them. I love them to death, don't get me wrong. I just feel like it would be nice to hang out without them some. Now I just feel like a glorified babysitter and the only reason I should come over is to watch or be with the kids. I also got annoyed because it seemed like she wouldn't go to the trouble of getting Dave to take the kids if she's just going to be with me. I don't know. Maybe I'm just being petty. She thought I got annoyed because I don't want her to have other friends. Whatever. That is so not me.

It does bother me though when she says that every single person that she works with is her "friend." She'll casually mention this "friend" that she has from work and she's supposedly had for months. But if they were such good friends, wouldn't I have heard about them before now? And she doesn't hang out with any of these people outside of the office. She has about twenty "friends" at work, but there are only about two that she hangs out with off work grounds. I just think that the word friend is used way too casually. A friend is someone who knows you and cares about you, someone who you know will be there for you, no matter what. I'm sure that if she were to get fired or quit her job tomorrow, she would never see or even speak to 95% of those people again. That's the only thing that bothers me. I don't care if she has other friends.

It's just stupid when we fight and I'm probably just going to let this one go. What's the point really?

Monday, January 16, 2006

Good times, good times

As many of you know, my 26th birthday is fast approaching. Well. . . I guess I still have four months, but whatever. I am going to have a ball on my birthday. Wendy's was recently running a promotion so that for every medium or large cup you bought, you could earn credits for free miles with Airtran. If you got 128 of them (which was their maximum), they are worth 2 free round trip tickets to anywhere Airtran flies. Well, Kim and I both managed to do this. We ate a lot of Wendy's for two months straight. . . and we would buy the empty cups by themselves. Kim and I have decided to go away for my birthday. We are going to the Grand Bahamas and to San Francisco. How cool is that?

I am so excited because I have always wanted to go to both of these places. It'll be right in between school semesters too, so it works out perfectly. Kim and I are trying to busy ourselves with making plans on passports, hotels, things to do, etc. If anyone has been to either of these places and you have some tips on things to do or the best restaurants, let me know. We are not going to the San Francisco zoo because we have one in Atlanta and we are not going to their aquarium because Atlanta now has the world's largest one. That's right, I said world's largest aquarium. Eat your heart out. I have an annual pass to it and can't wait to go.

Kim and I have been so busy planning our birthday trip that we forgot about the visitors that are coming to see us in February. Hehe. Sorry, Luke. We didn't really forget, we just remembered that we still have planning to do for that trip as well. I still have to figure out what we are going to do and everything. I'm really looking forward to the coming months though. Good friends, good traveling. What more could a girl ask for?

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Let the good times roll

I am now fully engrossed in my new class, Professional Ethics in Psychology. It's a very interesting class. The Professor said that it would be boring on the first night, but it's not. Maybe it's the way he teaches it. Time goes by really fast, which is good since it's a three hour class. He's also tough. He makes you feel bad if you don't do the reading for class and if you don't know the answers to his questions. But I like that. Not everything in life is easy and he challenges me to be at the top of my game.

I am at a crossroads. I have to decide whether to start my internship in September or if I want to wait until January. Here's my dilemma. In September, I will not be done with classes yet. This means that I will be doing 20-25 hours (unpaid) at my internship location, taking classes, and working (I intend to at least work part-time since I won't be making money at my internship). And I may even still continue to volunteer. Even without the volunteer work, that is a big load. Plus, there is an internship seminar that will require extra work. I'm sure my family would want me to start this September so that I can graduate as early as possible. But I don't want to get burned out before I even graduate. If I have that much work to do, then I probably won't have anything to give to my clients or I'll be too exhausted to learn as much as I should from the experience. I guess I have to figure out how many classes I will have left. I have until February 15th to decide. That is the application deadline for the September internship.

I should try to go to bed early. I have a cold that I'm trying to fight off. I caught it from Christian and Adrian, who have been sick off and on for a while. Stupid cold.

Monday, January 09, 2006

Great weekend

It's been a very fun and relaxing weekend. Saturday, I volunteered at the shelter. That night, I went over to Kim's for a little party. She had invited a few friends of hers from work to her place to watch a couple of movies. One of her friends brought "Wedding Crashers" and "The 40 year old Virgin." I had already seen both of those movies before. They are both hilarious. We kind of gorged ourselves on pizza, shrimp, and little wieners. Someone had brought ice cream for dessert, but we were too stuffed. The kids were there (of course), but they weren't too bad. They ate dinner with us and we played with them a little before we started watching the movies. They were in bed around 8:30, so that wasn't too bad. After the movies, we all hung around chatting and stuff. It was a lot of fun. I know I don't get very many opportunities to hang out and relax and I know Kim doesn't. She might have had a little more fun if she didn't have to worry about the babies, but oh well.

Sunday was a nice day. It was actually in the 60's. . . felt like springtime. I got up and went to church with Kim (no comments please. . . more about that to come in another post). Dave and Kim were fighting or something about whether he was going to take the babies after church to spend the day with him. I swear, I don't know why he has to make it so difficult. Can't he see that she needs a break? But he doesn't care about that. I know he cares about the babies, but he doesn't care at all about what Kim needs. She's exhausted and needs a break from them every once in a while. He did show up at church and ended up taking them. Thank goodness. Don't get me wrong, I love those kids to death. But it would be nice to spend time with my best friend without having two kids constantly clinging to us and calling our names. Anyway, we definitely enjoyed our sweet, sweet freedom. We had lunch at The Original Pancake House, which I had never eaten before. It was SOOOO good. I had these pecan pancakes that came with powdered sugar. They had so many different kinds of pancakes that I couldn't make up my mind. And their orange juice was fresh squeezed. Yummy. I will definitely have to go there next time I have a craving for pancakes instead of IHOP.

Kim and I then went to Wal-Mart because I had groceries to get. Then we went back to her place for Scrabble and ice cream (the ice cream we didn't get to on Saturday night). For dinner, we had leftover pizza, shrimp, and little wieners. It was great. And even though she kicked my ass at Scrabble (really, I was just a little tired. . . that's all. hehe), the day was a lot of fun. We laughed so hard all day and it was nice to have a couple of peaceful meals. Dave didn't bring the kids back until it was close to their bedtime.

I became so excited because I got an e-mail from Luke and he has finally finalized his plans to come see me. Woo-hoo! I'm already planning what to do. Kim actually has friends from New York City coming to see her the weekend right before Luke. I'm going to tag along with Kim on some of their activities. It'll be a test drive to see if Luke will like them or not. Hehe. I love it when friends come to see me because I get to do touristy stuff around Georgia that I would never do otherwise. And I never realized how many things there are to do here! I can't wait until February!

Well tonight is my first class since winter break. Oy. Back to the grindstone. I did discover with my last class, that I got my first B. I know, I know. Shocking. I'm such a perfectionist that it was devastating. Oh well, I guess I have to accept that I'm not perfect, right? Eh.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

New Year's Resolutions

New Year's resolutions are a tricky thing, I think. I have made them in the past, but I usually forget about them two weeks after January 1st. I have come to the conclusion that they are pretty much useless. I feel that if you are going to do something (or if you want to do something), then you should just do it. You shouldn't do it just because it's a new year and you feel like you have to make commitments to do something. So here are the things that I am GOING to do. I am going to work on doing these things even beyond the year 2006. Jesus, I can't believe it's 2006 already.

1) don't let my family get to me as much (that one is going to be REALLY hard)

2) exercise more

3) eat better

4) actually save money (even with my limited income)

5) make a budget and STICK WITH IT!

So those are things I am planning to do. I think I can manage it. Hopefully. . .

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

And 2006 is off to a great (not really) start. . .

2006 began with a bang. And by bang, I mean. . . well you know what I mean. New Year's Eve was really fun. And a little bit weird. Dave ended up coming to dinner with me and Kim. I know, I know. Craziness. Kim felt guilty that he didn't have anything to do. I felt bad so I said he could come. It really wasn't that bad. Dave actually made some attempt to make conversation with me and get to know me. Of course, Kim had told him that if he changed they could TALK about working things out. But he took that to mean that they were back together. Wrong. He kept trying to get overaffectionate (is that a word??) with her and she thought he was flirting with another woman (that was just her overreaction and jealousy). We got home around 1 am and the kids were still up. We put them to bed and Dave and Kim argued until 3 am. Oy.

The next day, the kids woke us up at 8:30. I spent the entire afternoon with Seth, who I hadn't seen since before Christmas. We exchanged gifts. He gave me the Rent soundtrack. Woo-hoo! I actually got him the same thing and I was going to steal his copy to burn a copy for myself. Hehe. We also went to see "The Family Stone," which was a pretty good movie (very funny, but also a little sad and it made me cry). Then we went to IHOP to satisfy my craving for pancakes. Mmm. . . yummy. We had so much fun just laughing and joking with each other. I went back to Kim's place that night. And Christian told me he loved me for the first time. It was so sweet and adorable! I hadn't even said it to him that day. I was just sitting there on the couch and he ran up to me and said, "I love you Cindy." I swear, I love those kids so much.

Yesterday, Kim was planning to go into work for a couple of hours for overtime and then we were planning on going shopping to spend our Christmas gift certificates. As you remember, our last shopping trip had to be cut short because of my stomach "thingie" (since it wasn't really the flu, I don't know what to call it). But early in the morning, her toilet started overflowing and wouldn't stop. Okay, before you say it. . . I didn't do it. I swear. The water just started coming out and soaked the floor. There was about an inch of water on the bathroom floor and it had soaked into the hallway. Kim called the emergency maintenance line for her apartment building and I called Seth (just to talk). Yeah, he told me to just turn the knob beside the toilet and the water would stop coming out. I am such a girl. Why did I not know that? Well, the rest of the day was spent trying to fix the toilet, cleaning the carpet so it didn't mildew, and trying to keep the kids away from the water (that was actually the hardest part). The maintenance guy and the carpet guy did a great job. Then they left, we put the kids down for a nap and we all sat down to relax for a few minutes. Kim actually fell asleep and Dave left a few minutes later.

So Dave was supposed to fix Kim's brakes that night. They have been messed up for a while and it's getting a little dangerous. They spoke at around 5:00 that night and he basically let her know he wasn't going to do it because she was unthoughtful. The reason for her unthoughtfulness? She made the mistake of falling asleep when she SHOULD have been making him something to eat. No, I'm serious. They were both hungry, but Kim was also exhausted. She had been up at 7:30 am to go to work, then came home to deal with the toilet, the carpet, and the kids for about three hours. Who wouldn't be tired? But since Dave had come out of his way to help her, she owed him something. I'm sorry, but is she his mother? Kim already has two kids she's responsible for feeding; she doesn't need a third. He could have gotten off his lazy butt and made it himself. Whatever. Kim and I did end up going shopping (we took my car) with the kids. They were actually pretty good and they just spent the rest of the night arguing back and forth. He did call her back at 8:00 that night to ask why she wasn't home and to say that he could fix her brakes then. He thought that she would cancel her plans to sit around and wait for him. Ha.

Okay, hear is the really funny part. Apparently, I am ungodly. Yeah, ungodly. Kim was trying to tell Dave that she did not like for him to be as physically affectionate with her as he was. The reason: they are NOT together. However, he as a little problem respecting her wishes. Finally, she told him that I had told her it was disrespectful to do that in front of me. He then said, "Don't you know that an ungodly person can't appreciate displays of affection?" Now, it's a very good thing that I wasn't around when he made that remark because I would have kicked his ass. He has not seen my temper yet, but I would be more than happy to show him. I CAN appreciate displays of affection. Of course, I do feel a little comfortable around them just because I know they aren't together and I know that Kim doesn't want it. Besides, I'm sure that there are plenty of religious people who are uncomfortable with public displays of affection. I can't believe he brought my religious beliefs into it. I hate it that he thinks he's better than me just because he believes in God. He pisses me off.

So my New Year started off wonderfully. And by wonderful, I mean. . . not so much. But that's okay. I still have hope that 2006 will be better than 2005. It has to be.