Crazy Talk

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Location: Naples, Italy

Living in Italy with my husband, who is a civilian employee of the US Navy. I am addicted to books!

Sunday, July 18, 2004

Sleep is good.

Okay, so I really meant to go to bed early on Thursday. However, I started cleaning and then called Seth and we talked for an hour. We haven't spoken in forever. . . a lot of meaningless crap has happened since we last spoke. I finally go to bed at midnight and I'm up at 7 to get ready for work. Work is good. At the very end of the day, my boss informs me that he wants us to have more e-mail-a-thons on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. So of course I volunteer to work 12 to 12 on all three of those days. Also, one of our clients has 400 e-mails that are older than we need them to be. And the bigwigs wants us to have them done by Monday (yes all of them). And he said that we're up for contract negotiations with them pretty soon and this is not the time to fall behind. Problem? Ha! I thrive on this kind of pressure. And it's nice to work on something besides Chick-fil-A. I work till 9:30, I'm home at 10:30, in bed after 11, and up at 5 for work. Oh, and somewhere in between, I run into the biggest mistake of my 24 years. Oy, what the hell was I thinking? I am way too tired to deal with him. And Saturday, I leave for work before the sun comes up and I am the first to arrive. At least it'll be a normal day though. No overtime today.
The day goes by quickly enough and I get to leave at 3:00. YAY! And Seth gets to my place around 4:15. YAY Again!! We head down to the Mall of Georgia (yes, that's the mall's actual name) and get some very fattening spicy chicken at this Cajun place in the food court. We then head to the Mall's movie theatre and see "I, Robot." Fabulous movie, by the way. It was very intense and you got to see Will Smith's butt. It was also a little disturbing, but all in all, it was a great use for my money. Then, we went shopping to my favorite store in the universe, Charlotte Russe. Could the shorts get any shorter?? Seriously, who has the body for that crap. Seth and I had a great time trying to figure out what items were tops and which were bottoms. . . sometimes it was a little tough to figure that out. But I did find a great dress and a great top to wear to work. I also found a cute new purse. And I had a $100 gift card that I had gotten for Christmas, so I didn't pay for any of it. We then leave the store and head to Cinnabon for a fattening snack. For those of you who are unaware, Cinnabon is found in malls and sirports and there desserts are so bad that they don't post the nutritional information on their website. However, because my company also does customer service for them, I do have access to that information. Because of that, I get the low-fat strawberry minibon (probably has a million grams of sugar). I had never tried one before and I never should have. . . it was soooo good. I also had a bite of the really fattening one that Seth got, which probably contained about 300 calories (seriously). Then Seth and I head to Barnes and Noble for some book browsing, one of our favorite pastimes. We spend about an hour and a half in there. I decide to buy an Idiot's Guide to Investing. My company has an investment plan and I might as well take advantage of it while I'm still there (seriously, I do not want to be there for much longer).  And can you imagine it. . . me buying stock? I am such a grownup! I also bought Michael Moore's latest masterpiece, "Dude, where's my country?" I read the introduction and I'm already hooked! I love him so much. Hmm. . . maybe this would be a great birthday present for my father. Hehe. And now the sugar from my minibon has caught up with me. Migraine time. Since I went on my health kick, I'm not used to eating that much sugar at a time. Fat maybe. . . sugar no. We head back to my place and I get Seth to finish pumping air in my balance ball cause it was a little too mushy. We watch some Mad TV, I lay down, and I pretty much pass out.
The best part of the ENTIRE day?? I do NOT move for 8 and 1/2 hours! Woo-hoo! I feel wonderful!! While I'm waiting for Seth to awaken, I watch Jessica get laser eye surgery on Newlyweds (so weird) and then I watch about 4 episodes of Beverly Hills, 90210. It's so weird to see Jason Priestley circa 1993. How old were they back then? 30?? Seth finally awakens at 11:30, we eat and get ready to head to his car thing. We get there and it's pretty awesome. Seth gets to drive a BMW, a Subaru, and a Volvo on 3 different courses. And the object is pretty much to go as fast as you can. My God, Seth knows how to do that. We were actually riding on 3 tires a couple times. Actually, I think we were riding on 2 at one point. It was awesome though. I didn't really want to drive, even though I could have. Like Seth said, "Cindy likes riding." Hehe. After that, we decide to go eat Mexican. The host and waiter are so hot and we are distracted. Then we come home and it's time for Seth to leave. Damn. I watch some TV. I also have this "10-minute Clutter Control" book. I'm attempting to Feng Shui my life. And apparently, I learned that clutter on your nightstand can confuse your love life and disturb your sleep. Hmmm. . . so that's why I'm alone and tired. I did manage to de-clutter my desk and my nightstand. We'll work on the rest later. Whatever, like anything's going to change. Right now, I need a massage. I have this huge knot right under my shoulder blades that's been building for about a week. It's very painful. I'm also very sleepy. I may go to bed now. Don't expect a blog from me anytime soon. . . I'm working 12 to 12 for the next 3 days, so I'll be unavailable. Check in on me to make sure I'm still alive!

Thursday, July 15, 2004

"You're on something."

Today was just another day of work, work, work. I was up at 7 am to fight traffic yet again. Oh well. . . gives me time to think. I get to work and get started. So many e-mails, so little time. I know I've said it before. . . but I am sooo over this week. There is this cute new guy, but I am totally over him. He's hot, but he's got strikes against him.
Strike#1 -- He's Georgian.
Strike#2 -- He's super religious.
Strike #3 -- He's 20 years old. (Dos might like 'em young, but I don't. . . at least, not anymore)
Strike #4 -- His name is Jason. (I don't do "J" names. . . at least, not anymore)
He is hot, though, and he can sing. Oh well. I'm not having it. I've been working too hard. The day passed rather uneventfully. I did a ton of e-mails (like I always do). I also got pissed off at my coworker, Wendy. Apparently, it's unfair to start giving prizes to the most productive people. Whatever, she's just pissed that she'll never, ever get one.  We all also discuseed the possibility of another e-mail-a-thon. They say they've barely recovered from the last one.
Me: I am totally up for another e-mail-a-thon.
Dwight: Yeah, but you're on something. I want whatever you're taking before the next one.
Me: Don't worry, I'll hook you up. I'll have my guy call your guy.
I was planning on working till 9 tonight. However, I felt like a migraine might be coming on, so I left at 7, my usual time. Leaving while it's still daylight. . . what a concept. And I've felt this migraine coming on for the last 2 weeks. I wish it would just get here, debilitate me, and leave me alone. I fought traffic, came home, finished off the turkey chili, watched TV, and did the dishes. Now I'm going to bed. I'm exhausted and I need a good nine hours of sleep.

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

"I remember there was one day. . . a few years ago. . . I don't think I was tired then"

So yesterday, I get up to face a day of work after my relaxing weekend (first one in a long time). It turns out that my supervisor DID need me to come in on Monday. She said that she meant to call me about 15 million times, but she was mad busy. I guess I should have called her back, but I enjoyed my day off. I wasn't planning on working overtime last night, but they just needed me so bad. So I worked 11 to 9. It was very quiet at work today.

Me: "I am soooo over this week."
Dwight: "What?? It just started. . . this is like Monday for you."

Blah, blah, blah. Everyone's testy because of the millions of e-mails that we have. I'm so tired of work. Thats all I do. And I volunteered to work 11 hours three days in a row this week. But Seth is coming over this weekend and we'll go shopping and to the movies and to his car thing. I'm so proud of him. He finally found a place to put his car business, so he'll be able to apply for a dealership license soon. I haven't seen him in weeks. I can't wait.

So today, I'm up at 5 am so that I can be at work by 8. The moon is still out when I leave. I am so not used to that. And I hear on the radio that the temperature will be 95 degrees today, but it will feel like 110. Ugh. Georgia weather sucks. I don't care what season it is. Traffic makes me mad. I hate people with the passion of a thousand suns. It is nice actually getting a parking space right by the door. Score! I actually get work done today, which is nice. I'm actually caught up. The rest of the company is another question. I get to send out an e-mail telling my coworkers what e-mails to do since I'm the first one there. Aaah. . . I feel so important. My boss sends out an e-mail saying that we need all the help we can get, so feel free to volunteer for overtime. She also said that one of the bigwigs wants us to organize another e-mail-a-thon to get e-mails done. Oh joy. We've barely recovered from the last one. Of course, what the hell am I thinking?? I work 11 hours a day with no sweat anyway. What's an extra hour?? So I volunteered to work like 60 hours next week. And I told my boss that I would be up for another e-mail-a-thon. I also reminded her that I would be UNAVAILABLE the weekend of the 30th. Thank God I'll get out of here. I need a break. . . badly. I work, work, work some more. I had planned to go shopping after work at 7. However, I was too damn tired so I went home. And of course it starts raining and traffic is a nightmare. I get home, eat some turkey chili, and watch "Quintuplets." (funny show) Then I worked out to Denise Austin for an hour and I feel great. Then I watched Will and Grace and now it's time for bed. I'm up at 7 and I'm tired. But then again, I'm always tired.

Monday, July 12, 2004

TWO Days off in a row??? No way!!

Today was beautiful. My supervisor never called me back, which meant she either didn't need me today or they wouldn't approve the overtime. Either way, it meant that I got to enjoy a second day off. . . so I had an actual weekend! That has not happened in a long time. So I lounged around in my pajamas for several hours. I made a pot of turkey chili to take to work for lunch this week. I think it came out okay. I can never get it just right though. Oh well, practice makes perfect. I also tried a Slim Fast Potato soup, which I didn't like very much. Too powdery or something. I think I'll stick with Campbell's. It's got less calories anyway. I also watched an old Dallas rerun. I saw the one where Pam realized Bobby's death (and the whole previous season) was all a dream. Yeah. . . stupidest storyline in TV history. I also had some Healthy Choice Rocky Road (yum yum!) and watched a Buffy rerun. Then, I worked out for an hour. I did Denise Austin cardio and then Denise Austin's "Shrink your female fat zones." It was an intense workout. Right now my arms are sore from the weight exercises. I also used the balance ball for the first time with Denise Austin's workout. It was interesting. And by interesting, I mean hilarious cause I had to work so hard to keep my balance. So glad I was by myself. It really worked my abs though. I can feel that too. This was my first real workout since I hurt my knee. I had forgotten how good I feel afterwards. Then, I finished cleaning, vacuuming, and laundry that I hadn't had a chance to finish yesterday. I also bought the tickets for Seth and I to go see "Chicago." Yay!! I can't wait. For dinner, I had another Slim Fast meal. This one was Fettucine Alfredo. Not as good as the real thing, but it's okay. Not bad, actually. I watched some Seinfeld, some Friends, and so much Lifetime TV it's a little pathetic. I also worked out again. I did the Bellydancing thing. I was able to get through the whole workout this time. The 3 minutes just flew by. Tough moves though. And now I'm finishing up the Lifetime "Movie of the Month" and Will and Grace at the same time. I'm also hungry. And I have to force myself not to eat. Eating at night is bad. I've been a little slack the past couple of weeks and I want to maintain my weight. Actually, I want to lose more. So no food after 9:00. Besides, I know that my entire weekend at Rochester, I'll be eating late and eating good things that are bad for me. So I have to prepare. I can't wait though. I can almost taste the Golden Port now. Mmmmm. . . so hungry. I wish they delivered to Georgia. And even though they have Taco Bell, Denny's, and McDonald's down here, it'll still be great to go to those places with Dos and Luke again. Now, I'm reminiscing. Good times, good times. Hmm. . . maybe I miss the food more than them. Hehe. I jest. Have to go now. It will be bedtime soon and tomorrow is all about Chick-fil-A e-mails.

Wearing pajamas all day rocks!

This weekend started off rocky. On Saturday, I was supposed to wake up at 6:30 and instead I woke up at 7:55. And considering the fact that I just got 9 1/2 hours sleep, I feel remarkably unrested. Of course, I managed to shower, dry my hair, and get dressed in half an hour. How good am I? I get to work with 10 minutes to spare. I came in at 10:00 to work an hour of overtime, so I really didn't need to rush to get here. But I'm a total work horse. At least, that's what they tell me at work. I worked 10 to 9 on Saturday. It really paid off too, cause when I left, Chick-fil-A had only 327 e-mails. Woo-hoo!! Stupidest w-mail of the day: white guy who was discriminated against. Ha. What a loser. The day was long and brutal, so I decided to treat myself and pick up Mexican food on the way home. Mmmm. . . I love their cheese dip. When I got home, I fully intended to get stuff done. I had cleaning to do, laundry, balancing my checkbook, blah, blah, blah. But I was way too tired. So I pigged out on Mexican food and watched mindless Lifetime TV programming. And I didn't do a damn thing. I went to bed around 2:00 and slept till 9:30. I woke up, watched TV, had leftover Mexican food for lunch, and I did manage to do some cleaning. I took my time about it though. I did the dishes, my laundry, vacuumed, etc. I also called my supervisor and left her a message. I told her that if they needed me to come in on Monday, I would, even though it's supposed to be my day off. I am such a glutton for punishment. Whatever, I'll be grateful for it when I get my paycheck. That night, I decided to do a little exercise. I put in my new Bellydancing fitness DVD. I wasn't able to get through the entire thing. It's more of a grueling workout than you would think. It's fun though. And then I did my Kathy Smith weight lifting DVD. Now that's a workout. I need more muscle though. I also blew up my balance ball. It took forever! But now I have a new toy for my home gym. My mom and my sister also came over for a few minutes. Jenifer had to drop off some money for Dad amd mom wanted the grand tour of my apartment cause she's never seen it. She really aggravates me. She's such a bad mother. Whatever, I'll be civil. Jenifer told me that she's found a house and will probably be moved in by August. Oh, joy. It's bad enough that my sister will be only 15 minutes away, but my mother will be too. Of course, I did like seeing Jenifer just because she's gotten bigger. For the first time ever, I am smaller than my sister. I think it's funny that I'm getting smaller and she's getting bigger. Luckily, her and my mom didn't stay very long. Then, I wacthed the Simpsons and caught up on my e-mails. And then it hit me. . . the stupid migraine that I've felt coming on for the last week. It came on fast too. One minute I'm fine and the next minute, I can barely move. So I went to bed at 9:00 pm. I woke up at 6:30 this morning, so I got a pretty decent night's sleep. I still feel wiped out though. No matter how much sleep I get, I still feel tired. I need a vacation. So now I'm watching Golden Girls and I plan on balancing my check book since I didn't get to that yesterday. I also have some more cleaning to do and laundry to finish. I also plan on buying tickets for Seth and me to see the musical, Chicago. His birthday is in September and it's coming to Atlanta in early October. Since we both loved the movie so much, I think we'll enjoy the musical too. I hope so anyway. Gotta go now.

Friday, July 09, 2004

Who's idea was the E-mail-a-thon anyway??

These past two days have been exhausting and hectic, so excuse me for not keeping up with my blog. Wednesday and Thursday, I worked 12 to 12 for our "E-mail-a-thon." Every one of the clients that we handle had major, major e-mail volume and several of us volunteered to work 12 hours to try to get them done. And we all took a 2 hour break to watch dinner and a movie on those nights (paid for by our manager). Wednesday's movie was "Office Space" and last night's movie was "Fifty First Dates." Both of those are very excellent movies. And on Wednesday, one minute before our shift was over, Dwight kindly reminded me that we had been there exactly one year. Oh my god.

Dwight: Today's the 7th right? You know what that means. . . we've been working here for
exactly one year.

Me: Really?? Gee, I don't know whether to congratulate myself or throw myself off a cliff.
What do you think Dwight? You wanna push me off a cliff later?

Dwight: Hmmm. . . as tempting as that is, that'll just mean more work for me tomorrow, so
no thanks.

Isn't Dwight awesome? But Rachelle sang "Happy Aniversary" to us (sung to the tune of "Happy Birthday") That was sweet and she has an awesome voice too. Thursday's e-mail-a-thon went pretty much like Wednesday's Of course I ate junk food for dinner both nights. I better be careful. I don't want to gain back the weight that I've lost. Wednesday and Thursday actually ended with all of us listening to Loveline on the radio while we worked. Good times. That took me back to the days when I worked my stupid 4 to midnight shift. And of course Dwight was rubbing it in everyone's face that he had Friday off and we all had to work. Of course, I switched to a later shift. I really didn't want to get home at one and then be back at work at 11 the next day. So I decided to switch to the 1 to 9 shift. I have the ability to sleep till 10:30 today, but do I?? HA! I wake up at 8:45 and I think I overslept. Then, I can't go back to sleep. That's okay, though. I watched some Golden Girls and Nanny and relaxed before work. It was nice not having to rush to get ready. It's so hot out today. The high is 92 degrees. Of course, it starts raining later. . . . because that's what it does. It rains super hard for fifteen minutes and then it's clear again. The day passes rather uneventfully. I am so happy because Chick-fil-A now only has 435 e-mails! Woo-hoo! We are finally making a dent in these things. Our Project Manager is panicking because the big head honchos from Chick-fil-A are coming on Tuesday and lord knows, we can't have all those e-mails in there. Ugh. I hate it when they come. . . I can never get enough work done. Anyway, the night ended with a bitchy, stupid man who claims that previous operators hung up on him. Whatever. He's rude and irritating and demands a supervisor, yet he won't let me put him on hold to get one. He didn't think I was being apologetic enough and he got pissed that I did apologize. After 25 minutes of this, he finally lets me put him on hold and then he hangs up after 30 seconds before I can get anyone. Good riddance. Well, I handled it well. I totally kept my cool and was extremely patient with him. Anyone else would have hung up on long before that. Thank God my shift is over fifteen minutes after I finish dealing with him. I can't do anything else for the rest of the night. Now I'm exhausted and I actually volunteered to work an 11 hour shift tomorrow to help make some more headway with the e-mails. What the hell was I thinking?

Tuesday, July 06, 2004

Fourth of July weekend

Saturday. . .
Okay, this was a long and crazy weekend and I'll try to catch everyone up with it. On Saturday, I'm up at 5 am to head off to work. Oy, so exhausting. The day goes by fast though. Of course, the day wouldn't be complete without an idot customer on the phone. First, he calls me "honey" and "baby." What the hell is that about? I don't even know this guy. He's complaining about Chick-fil-A and he keeps talking about how much money he spends and how he spends $200 a week at Applebee's. Okay, Applebee's isn't even that good! And I'll I'm thinking is: please go to Applebee's and stop bothering me!! I maintain my calm though and 30 minutes later, he's off my line. The rest of the day passes rather uneventfully and I'm off to my grandmother's. I walk in the door and I get the greatest greeting from my grandmother. She says, "My God, look how little you've gotten!" And my sister comments about how my butt is smaller. Excellent. And then the conversation inevitably returns to my sister and her baby. We begin to talk about the fact that my cousin is getting married because his girlfriend is pregnant. Apparently, Jenifer (my sister) believes that my cousin's girlfriend got pregnant simply to take the spotlight away from Jenifer. She doesn't even want to go to the wedding because no one will be focused on her. Can you say, "self-involved"?? Anyway, Jenifer, Dad, and I go out to dinner and the conversation turns to politics. It's so interesting to discuss politics with a Republican. They don't really care about anyone but themselves. Oh well. We do agree that we are perfectly okay with the legalization of drugs and prostitution. Yay. Then, we're back to my grandmother's, where we watch Office Space (fabulous movie). Of course, I get a terrible migraine in the middle of it and by the time it's over, I'm ready for bed.

Sunday. . .
YES!! 8 hours of uniterrupted sleep and I don't have to work today!! How happy am I?? We all get up and head off to breakfast at McDonald's and then we're going to Sam's Club so I get a membership. Apparently, the DVD box sets are so much cheaper there. So I get my membership and also a couple of new workout DVD's, including one on Bellydancing. Yay for me. Then we're off to my dad's for a 4th of July cookout. We get there at 11:30 and they are no where near ready to begin cooking, even though we were told that we would eat at 12. My sister is seriously bummed because she wanted to go to my uncle's pool and we probably won't get there until late. And Jenifer is so immature she keeps blabbing about how much she wants to go work on her tan. My God, get over it!! My grandmother starts feeling ill because she is still getting over the flu and we all leave early. This makes Jenifer extraordinarily happy. Of course, on the way home, it begins raining. . . for the millionth day in a row. This makes Jenifer unhappy. We go inside to wait out the rain and Jenifer and my grandmother begin gossiping about Sheila, my dad's bitchy girlfriend. This goes on for way too long and I get sick of it. So I ask them nicely if we can talk about something else. And of course, my pregnant, hormonal sister blows up and accuses me of trying to change her, acting like I'm better than everyone else, being selfish, blah, blah, blah. Basically, she's accusing me of being just like her. So she does her spiled brat thing, threatens to go home (please do), and then eventually the sun comes back out and all is forgiven because Jenifer wants to enjoy the sun. We go to the pool, where Jenifer begins joking about how she was unconscious when she got pregnant. And my cousin's friends are there and she's never even met these guys. But she says that she doesn't care about what people think of her. Well obviously. We swim, there's rain, we leave, my Dad and Sheila come to bring us food. We talk, go swim some more, come back, and get into a major fight. Sheils acts like a bitch to Jenifer, my dad starts screaming at her (I swear she'll drive him to another heart attack), she insults Jenifer, my grandmother throws her out and threatens to call the police if she doesn't leave. Drama, drama. Sheils is so drunk she's falling down. I hate drunks. Eventually, we get her to shut her up and my dad takes her home. I really wish he would throw her out on her bony ass. We then head back to my uncle's for fireworks, late night swimming, horseshoes, and alcohol. . . lots and lots of alcohol. Woo-hoo. Good times, good times and my migraine is back so it is off to bed.

Monday. . .
Another 8 hours of sleep makes me happy. My grandmother starts the day by cooking us an extremely fattening breakfast. Yeah, she spends years telling me how fat I am and now she wants to make me gain back the weight that I've lost. And it's a gorgeous day so we head off to the pool to get some sun. We spend a lot of time playing in the pall and hitting each other with water balls. And I actually doze off in my chair for a few minutes. Luckily, I have remembered the cardinal rule of applying sunscreen and then reapplying at frequent intervals. The day ends with me getting a little color but not getting burned. Score! We head back to my grandmother's for some food and dry clothes. Then, my dad and mom come to get Jenifer so that they can take mom to see the house Jenifer wants to get (which is just 15 minutes away from me). Jenifer is finally gone!! It is so much quieter without her here. I know I can get loud sometimes, but she screams when she talks. Not to mention the fact that she speaks in one long, continuos sentence. My grandmother and I watch Dr. Phil (I love him) and then head to my uncle's (yet again) for a cookout. My uncle swims and the rest of us talk and catch up. One of my aunts gets drunk off margaritas and is so funny. I throw my grandmother in the pool while she is throwing water balls at my uncle. She's not too mad though and everyone is amused. I then play a game of Scrabble with my drunk aunt, her husband, and my grandmother. Guess who wins by more than sixty points?? Yep, that would be me. We eat a nice dinner of chicken and grilled potatoes and we laugh and have a great time. We then set off even more fireworks and the day has been a good one. It's then back to my grandmother's for TV and bed. Tomorrow it's back to work. Joy of joys.

Tuesday. . .
9 hours of sleep and I am ready for a day of e-mails and bitchy customers. I shower and take off for work. Traffic is great, which makes me happy. Work is good. It goes by fast, and we're making a little headway with the e-mails. Thank goodness. I work , work, work and head home on time for a change. I come home, watch TV, check e-mails, and spend forever catching everyone up on my blog. I must prepare for tomorrow's e-mail-a-thon (working 12 to 12). I plan on working out for the first time since the dislocation of my knee. We'll see how that goes. Talk to everyone later.

Thursday, July 01, 2004

2 Blogs in One

Wednesday. . .

Okay, so today was my first day back at the office in 4 days. Ugh. I was not looking forward to that. Since I had worked close to 60 hours last week AND the week before, I desperately needed the time away. So I come in and Chick-fil-A now has 674 e-mails. Argh!! It was at 550 when I left. . . what has everyone been doing?!? I'm just so glad I don't answer e-mails from Sonic since they have over 2,000 e-mails. I actually felt guilty about eating there this weekend, just knowing how swamped they have made us. (Note to self: if Luke ever comes back to Georgia, introduce him to the fattening world of Sonic.) Anyway, so many e-mails, so little time. I would stop eating at CFA cause I'm so sick of all this work. However, they have the best chicken in the world. Of course, you Rochesterians have no idea what I'm talking about (except maybe Luke, of course). My supervisor was thrilled when I volunteered to work overtime tonight and tomorrow. I am the only one who works OT anymore, but hey, at $21/hour, it is sooo worth it. So the day goes by fast and I don't have too many stupid people on the phone. And it rained today again. Dreary weather and I'm tired, even though I got 9 1/2 hours of sleep last night. And I'm here from 10:30 to 9:00 pm. I then talk to my sister on the way home and she is pretty much moving down here to be closer to all of us. And you know what that means? Yep, my mom is coming with. Oh Joy. Oh well, I'll just avoid her. My sister is also talking about getting a job with me. We'll see if that works out or not. At least that will mean plenty of quality time with my niece or nephew. Let's hope the kid grows up just like me and nothing like her mother, right? So then I arrive home at 10:00 pm, only to discover that the Internet is down AGAIN! My dad tells me that something is wrong with the line and the Internet people are supposed to come tomorrow to check it out. I hope they do it soon. Oh, and I discovered that I've lost my debit card. Dammit! So I'll call the bank tomorrow. For now, it's Will and Grace, Golden Girls, and sweet, sweet sleep.

Thursday. . .

Wake up today to a doctor's appointment. . . FINALLY!! And joy of joys, when they weighed me, they discovered that I have lost weight. How is that even possible?? Must have been that 5 mile hike through downtown Atlanta on Sunday. Oh well, 17 more pounds till I reach my goal weight. Yippee. The doctor (who is so hot. . . looks like Luke Wilson) says MRI looked good (which means no bone chips or cartilage floating around in my knee and nothing is torn). There is still a lot of puffiness and some "abnormal motions" happening when I move my knee, but it doesn't look like I'll need surgery. I still have to wear the brace for a month (eek) and then I'll probably have to do physical therapy to strengthen my leg. But he did say I could resume treadmill and Taebo (yay!). I just have to go easy and wear my brace. Oh, how I've missed cardio. Sounds weird considering I went three years with no regular exercise, right? So I make my follow up appointment for August (day after I return from Rochester actually) and head to Target since I don't have to be at work till 12 today. Okay, so I only go in for like 3 items and I end up spending way tooo much money on stuff I didn't even go in there for! How did that happen? Oh well, I can afford it. No biggie. And then I'm off to Chick-fil-A for lunch (I loved their Chargrilled Chicken Sandwich with Buffalo Sauce on it. . . you know me and spicy!) and then it's off to work for a 10 hour shift today. And of course it's raining. . . for the ninth straight day in a row, I kid you not. But we were in a drought, so I guess we needed it. And I get to work and discover that I was not given croutons for my side salad (okay, so I never eat them. . . it's the principle of the thing. And my lettuce is brown and my chicken looks like it has a tail! Weird. But it's still tasty and I put some Buffalo sauce on it and I am good to go. Yummy. And now I'm catching up on my blog on my lunch break since I have no Internet at home. We have been so busy that this is the FIRST day in 2 weeks that I have not had to work straight through lunch. I feel lost cause I can't catch up on Luke's blog and I have no idea what anyone is doing. It suddenly occurs to me that it's been exactly 6 weeks since I last spoke to Kim. Actually, I've been thinking about it every day. She's my best friend, but ever since our fight 6 weeks ago, we have yet to speak. Well, I didn't do anything wrong and if she's not concerned with losing her best friend, then what can I do? It's just sad. I realized the other day that Seth and I have been best friends for exactly 4 years and Kim and I have been friends for the same length of time. It's amazing how time flies. I guess there's nothing I can do about Kim. . . if she wants to lose me over this stupid fight, then that's her deal. Okay, 12 more minutes for my lunch break and I'm going to balance my checkbook. I'll check back with everyone later.