Well, it has been an extremely eventful couple of days. Actually. . . insane is a little more like it. Wednesday was a very relaxing day at least. We all slept in very late and took our time getting dressed for the first time during our entire vacation. We were starving by the time we got dressed, so Cindy took us to this great place called Pho 99. I had this great stir-fry and the egg rolls and spring rolls were soooo good. Really, Cindy had yet to take us to a bad restaurant. It would be so easy to gain weight here. Of course, if I lived here I would not eat like this every day. After lunch, we went back to the hotel to hang out by the pool and work on our tans. We all were very tan on our arms and faces, but we still had work to do on the rest of our bodies. We played and laughed and just laid by the pool until the last drop of sunshine could be used. I will definitely have a nice tan when I go home. . . as well as a million new freckles. Oy, damn freckles.
I also tried to get a ride from the airport when I got home. My sister came up with some lame excuse about how she had to take Mom to the doctor, but she didn't know what time the appointment was because Mom forgot. So she would have to call the doctor tomorrow and ask what time the appointment was. The entire excuse was a load of crap and I told her as much. My sister replied, "F**k you." and hung up on me. She then called me back and left me a voice mail. She said that she just didn't want to pick me up and she wasn't committed to anything. She then complained that I don't come visit Conner (my nephew) enough. It always comes back to her. I actually have obligations, which is why I can't see him as often as I would like. But if that's the reason she won't come pick me up, then fine. Talk about unreliable. I hate some members of my family. Whatever. I'll find someone else.
Then it was time to go to dinner and celebrate Luke's birthday. . . well, almost birthday anyway. We went to a steak house called Claim Jumper, where they seem to have realized something very important. Size really does matter. No, really. The portions of food were huge. They had slices of cake in the display case that were as big as your head. Cookies were the size of baseballs. It was insane. . . but so delicious. I presented Luke with his present of Ben Bova books. Shopping for him wasn't really hard since I read his blog and he's been giving hints about what he wants for weeks. Silly Luke. After Claim Jumper, the night was still young. We were going to go to a movie, but decided to meet up with Cindy's friend David for a drink instead. We also went to the Hustler store (as per my request). Everything was too expensive, but it was fun browsing the store. I love stores like that. Then we headed to the bar that was conveniently located a block from our hotel (also Cindy's favorite hangout). As it turns out, they were also doing karaoke. Sweet. Cindy and I drank way too much and we all sang our little hearts out. Luke was the only one not singing, but he took plenty of pictures and video of the event. I had a lot of fun drinking, singing (way off-key, mind-you), and dancing around the bar. I had several drinks and then the bartenders kept giving us shots of stuff. I didn't know what they were and I didn't ask. None of us did; we just toasted and drank up. WE had to leave at 2 am because it was closing time. We stumbled home. And I mean that literally because Luke had to help me stay up. I haven't been that drunk in a while. But it was fun. We didn't go to bed until 3 am, which was a shame since we had to be up at 4:30 to leave for the airport at 5.
Well. . . we kind of overslept. Apparently, Luke had heard the alarm and turned it off before going back to sleep. So we didn't wake up until 6:30 and my flight was leaving at 7:20. Super. I got ready in 30 seconds and we were off. However, made it to the airport just after the plane left. Damn. I went ahead and checked my bag and got put on the standby list for the 10:15 flight. Cindy was kind enough to buy Luke and me breakfast at the airport before they had to leave. Yeah, I was unable to get on that flight. No seats available. So I got put on standby for the 12:38 flight. Once again. . . no luck. Well, the next flight out was not until 9:55 that night. I went ahead and got put on the standby list. I contacted Cindy to let her know and she came to pick me up at the airport. I mean, there really was no sense in me hanging around there. Cindy suggested that maybe I just find the next available open flight and get a guaranteed seat on that instead of just being on standby and hanging around the airport forever. She had a point. So I called Airtran to make the arrangements. They told me that, for the 9:55 flight, 5 people would have to miss their flight for me to get a seat on it. Yeah. . . what were the chances of that? The man on the phone was very nice and he said that the next open flight was on Saturday (I could deal with that). There wasn't even any added cost to me since it was a flight change.
So Cindy and I were roomies again (Yay). Of course my luggage was in Atlanta without me, but that was okay. And as Cindy pointed out, there were worse places to be stuck than L.A. Ha. You got that right. Since I just had my carry-on, I had nothing with me. So we just went to the grocery store and bought a toothbrush and some deodorant and I was set. We went back to Cindy's place and we both took a nap. We were exhausted. . . it had been a long day for both of us. Then we went to dinner at this Thai place near Cindy's apartment. I had already eaten there once this week, but the food is so good that I was glad to eat there. Then we went home and relaxed by watching this show that Cindy had on DVD called, "Strangers with Candy." It's a really funny TV series about a 46-year-old high school freshman. Craziness. Cindy and I pretty much crashed about 10:30 or so.
I slept sooo late on Friday. I kept waking up, but then I would just go back to sleep and I didn't wake up for good until 11:30. That's 13 hours of sleep or something, so I must have been wiped. Cindy called shortly after I woke up and asked if I wanted to meet her for lunch (she was at work) to have Persian food. Was I really going to turn that down. I got her directions on how to get there, showered and dressed, and prepared for my bus journey. It was interesting taking the bus downtown by myself. I thought I would get lost. I actually had to take 2 buses to get to Cindy and it took about an hour. I did not get lost, either. Cindy took me to a restaurant very close to where she worked and the food was delicious. I tried Cornish Game Hen for the first time and it was great. . . tasted just like chicken. :) Cindy and I had a great time just talking and having fun "girl time." It was nice having some fun time alone with her. After lunch, I took the long bus ride back home and watched some more "Strangers with Candy." Later, I just went outside and read a little since it was such a beautiful day. Cindy's friend David had called me earlier that day and asked if we wanted to go to a club with him for my last, last night in L.A. :) Sounded like fun. David is a cool guy. Cindy came home from work and we went searching for somewhere to eat dinner. We decided on Shaky's, a cool pizza place that I had never heard of. We had way too much pizza, chicken wings, and fried potato things. The food was very, very good. Cindy, meanwhile, decided she really didn't want to do the club thing. She was exhausted and just wanted to rest. Even though I would have liked to go out dancing and drinking with David, I decided to stay home with Cindy. We rarely ever got to see each other and I wanted to spend time with her.
Cindy and I decided to head to the bookstore after dinner. We went to Border's so that we could both get a Spanish-English dictionary. We actually browsed the foreign language section for a while so that Cindy could make her selection. I made mine fairly quickly. Finally, we were ready and we left. Cindy mentioned that she was glad I stayed the extra day. She said it was just like it used to be when we were in college and we would go out to dinner together and then do other stuff together late. We always have fun together. We went home, watched more "Strangers with Candy," and then fell asleep.
Dos: Look at my hair. It's hardly grown at all.
Me: Yeah, my hair grows really fast. There's already a difference since I visited Luke in Rochester. By the end of the summer, who knows where it'll be?
Dos: Probably under some guy's elbow.
Today, Cindy was very kind and called me at 7:10 to make sure that I was awake. She had to work, but David was taking me to the airport. How sweet. My flight was leaving at 10:15 so David was picking me up at Cindy's at 8 so that I could get there by 9. I got there with no trouble, but the airport was mad busy. I was afraid that I would miss my flight. . . again. The line for Airtran was super long, but it did move kind of fast and luckily the agents were only handling the people in line that were on the 10:15 flight. That was probably because it was after 9 by that time and we still had security to get through. It didn't take me too long to get through the huge mob, but then there was a huge line of people waiting to show their ID's to security. Oy. Luckily, security took me two minutes to get through and I had enough time to grab something to eat (to eat on the plane of course) and I arrived at the gate about two minutes before they called my row for boarding. Whew. Is that timing or what? So I made it on the plane and the flight was uneventful.
When I arrived in Atlanta (finally), it didn't take me very long to find my lost luggage and then Dad was there to pick me up. He informed me that tomorrow, he is cooking for Jenifer's (my sister) birthday. Super. Can I just get a poll of people who think I should actually go to this thing? Seriously. I told him that I might have plans tomorrow. My sister doesn't care about me and she has made that abundantly clear. I'm not talking to her anymore. She is immature, irresponsible, and selfish. No one in this family is pushing her to grow up. She has a baby and she still has to ask for money for everything. You would think that would bother her. Hardly. Anyway, the thing is tomorrow at 2 and I think I need to find some plans and something else to do to get me out of the house. Fast.
Anyway, I receiver my stuff from Coca-Cola today. Yeah, my boss made sure to carefully wrap my Coca-Cola bottles so that they wouldn't break. Gee, how thoughtful. You would think that she would be bright enough to do the same thing for a picture that I had on my desk. But no. So now the frame is broken and there is glass all over the bottom of the box. Perfect. I'm thinking of ways to make extra money since I don't have a job and I still want my freedom. I'm thinking that I will go back to being a phone actress. Can't wait for that. . . actually, I can. I did enjoy it sometimes but I'm not sure if I'll enjoy it as a full-time thing. But I'll be doing other things, too. Who knows? All I know is that right now I am tired from a very long day and I need to relax a little. As Scarlett would say, I'll think about it tomorrow 'cause after all tomorrow is another day.