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Location: Naples, Italy

Living in Italy with my husband, who is a civilian employee of the US Navy. I am addicted to books!

Friday, August 12, 2005

I am so burnt

I went to my grandmother's today and we hung out by my uncle's pool. We were only out there for two and a half hours and it was so incredibly hot. Now, I am really red. I am going to be in pain for a few days. My fault for not wearing sunscreen. I wanted more color. I just didn't think that I would get so much color in only a couple of hours.

My grandmother kind of got on my nerves a little because she was complaining about her knee. She has this problem with her knee. I forget what the specifics are, but she has had it for months and months. The doctors have told her that a simple surgery will fix the problem. Does she have it? No. Instead, she makes excuses about why she can't have it. First, she said that she would have the surgery when she got back from her recent vacation. Now, she's saying that she isn't having it until the summer is over. Next, I'm sure she will say that she isn't having it until her next trip in January. Meanwhile, she complains that it hurts to get up and down and her knee does hurt sometimes. I told her that I'm not going to have sympathy for her anymore because she can easily fix the problem, but she chooses not to. I think she likes being a martyr or something. Maybe she likes the attention. Whatever. It makes me mad because there are people in this family who have things that are wrong with them and they can't be fixed. And she has the ability to have her problem fixed.

I've been experiencing problems with my hands lately. I don't know what that means. . . Actually, yes I do. I don't like it either. I don't really mention it to my family because there's no point. It's not like they can do anything about it. I wish there was a surgery to correct my problem.

Well, I have many dates lined up. Brandon, the stock analyst, kind of made me a little angry though. He called me yesterday and said that he would call or e-mail me today to set up a date for this weekend. Well, he never e-mailed me and he didn't call me until 11:30! I couldn't answer the phone because I was on the phone with another guy. We won't be able to speak until tomorrow. So we'll be speaking on Saturday and making plans for the same day. It seems like he wants to wait till the last minute to make a date. Should I really do that?

I spoke on the phone tonight with a guy I met on We spoke for an hour. He seems nice. I can't really tell if he wants just sex or not. He's telling me that he doesn't. He asked me to spend an entire weekend with him next weekend. I told him I would think about it, so we'll see. He seems safe enough.

There is this other guy I met on We've been chatting through AOL Instant Messenger. We have so much in common. He graduated from Argosy University (the school I'm going to now), he loves The Practice, he's an atheist, and really I could go on an on. He's so funny and easy to talk to. He seems great. And best of all, he actually wants a woman who's a skeptic. Ha. Perfect, right? I like him so far.

There are two guys that are mystifying me. Both of them said they would like to go out with me before I left for L.A. When I got back, one of them kind of mentioned it once but hasn't made any move to make any real plans. Then, another one called me on Wednesday and said he would call me later in the week when he knew what his plans were. Has he called me yet? Nope. Oh well. I'm not sweating it. I'm just going to chalk it up to "They're just not that into me." If they were, they would actually ask me out. Duh. Hey, I think I may actually be starting to figure men out. Go me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Martyrs are so 1999. . . I hope your hands are ok. Do they hurt?

Love, Laura

August 13, 2005 8:23 AM  
Blogger Cynthia said...

You are so right about the martyrs. . . except I was going to say that they are so 1997. :)

My hands will be okay. They were trembling and cramping to the point where I couldn't move them for a few minutes. They're feeling better now though. Thanks for the concern.

August 13, 2005 10:04 AM  
Blogger Luke said...

Hi tootse!

Hope your hands are feeling better. It sounds like you're quite busy with all these guys! Good for you.

Don't put too much hope into any one (and I know you're not) cause maybe they each have 3-6 girls they're talking to?

August 15, 2005 4:28 PM  

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