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Location: Naples, Italy

Living in Italy with my husband, who is a civilian employee of the US Navy. I am addicted to books!

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Last entry

Today, the coauthor of the book, "He's just not that into you" was on Oprah. I watched it, hoping I would get some new insights into men, but it was kind of stupid. It was just one long hour of women asking obvious questions about their relationships with one obvious answer: "He's just not that into you." But I really shouldn't judge. My relationship with Robert was just me making excuses for the fact that he was never that into me. I even read the book a couple months into our relationship and I still made excuses. I don't know if I've learned my lesson or not. I haven't heard from John in a week. Overnight shifts or not, I know what that means. You don't even have to say it. I don't know what happened since I thought we had a great second date, but whatever. If he never calls me again, it's his loss really. I'm not going to waste my energy thinking about the reason. We only went out twice, so it's no big deal. I liked him and I thought there was potential there, but he must have felt differently.

Okay, so I think this is going to be my last blog entry for a while. I'm not in a very good place right now. There is a lot of stuff that I am dealing with and I have slipped into a major depression. I'm a psych major, so I know what it looks like. I have no energy to exercise or anything. I feel like I'm going through the motions, like I'm doing everything underwater or something. I can barely find the energy to shower. I don't know what I'm going to do when school starts. I'm so tired all the time and I find myself crying at odd moments throughout the day. I feel very beaten right now. Yeah, that's a good word for the way I feel. . . beaten. The latest news combined with everything else that has happened lately has just left me feeling. . . not so great. I don't really feel up to doing a blog entry at this time. So if you want to know what I'm up to or how I'm doing, you should probably go old school and e-mail me or call me or something. I know. Craziness. But I don't feel like talking about how sad I am and I'm sure no one really wants to hear it.


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