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Location: Naples, Italy

Living in Italy with my husband, who is a civilian employee of the US Navy. I am addicted to books!

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Hollywood Typecasting

I recently read an excellent book called, "In her Shoes." It's about two sisters, one is overweight and one is very thin and beautiful. To make a long story short, they are actually jealous of each other, they end up living with each other for a short period, get into a huge fight, and then the beautiful one finds this long-lost grandmother that they never knew existed and goes to live with her.

What's my point? Last time I went to the movies, I was very excited to see that they were making a movie out of this book. My excitement lasted about five minutes. The beautiful sister is played by Cameron Diaz and the "ugly" one is played by Toni Collette. Is she overweight? No. Couldn't they have at least put a fat suit on her to stay true to the story? Couldn't they have gotten an overweight actress? (I know. . . that's an oxymoron.) Or maybe Toni Collette just refused to gain 20 or 30 pounds for the role like Renee Zellweger did for Bridget Jones's Diary. So she's not overweight like the main character in the book. Can you take a guess as to why she is jealous of Cameron Diaz? Even though I've only seen the trailer, I can hazard a guess. Because Toni Collette has brown hair, glasses, and a ponytail.

Oh my God! How awful for her! Can you imagine having to go through life as a brunette with glasses? And how dare she put her hair up? I have seen that same storyline in about a dozen movies. Apparently, brunettes can not be attractive and heaven forbid brunettes with glasses be good looking. And they are always jealous of the stupid, shallow, blonde chick who doesn't wear glasses. Oy. Please spare me. I am brunette and I wear glasses and I happen to find myself pretty damn attractive (I'm sorry if that sounded arrogant). And while I am no Cameron Diaz, I know that there are men who have found me attractive as well (unless they're just faking it). So I'm just saying that I hate Hollywood and their stupid stereotypes.

I'll probably still see the movie because I am interested to see just how much they stick to the book or how much they screw it up. But speaking as someone who was once overweight and as a brunette with glasses, I'm probably going to appreciate the book a lot more.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rock on, Cindy! I am brunette and wear glasses (a lot) and my hair is ALWAYS in a ponytail. Plus, I used to wear overalls a lot (and they come in handy as a teacher!), another "ugly thing" about brunettes.

We are beautiful, man.

:) Laura

August 24, 2005 4:17 PM  

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