I am sooo moving here

The past couple of days have been a total roller coaster ride of fun and excitement. . . but without the vertigo and the nausea. Sunday, we picked Dos up from work and we were able to tour the veterinary clinic that she works at. She has such cute pets there. And she gets a ton of celebrities at her clinic. But she doesn't care about that. She just loves what she does and loves working with the animals. The only one she ever cared about meeting was Lindsey from "The Practice." That was our favorite TV show. Damn good TV.
After that, we went to my favorite Indian restaurant, Flavor of Indian. Last time we were here in December, I had asked them to make my chicken curry as spicy as they could make it and they didn't disappoint me! I had been craving curry for about three days. This time, I had lamb curry and again I asked them to make it really, really, really spicy. Actually, I didn't even have to ask because the waiter remembered me from December! That was too funny. It was quite spicy again, although they toned it down a little this time. It's probably a good thing because even though I could eat the curry last time, I still felt nauseous for about twelve hours. Damn good curry though. Cindy said the waiter probably wanted me and I said he was probably just impressed that I was the only white girl who could handle their spices. After dinner, we went shopping for some necessities and actually went for a midnight run to Del Taco. I haven't had that in years. I know it seems like all we do in L.A. is eat. . . but that's what L.A. is all about baby!
Monday we awoke bright and early to go to another hotel and board our bus to Mexico. . . or so we thought. Turns out we were supposed to meet the bus at 7:30, not 9:00 am as we thought. Doh. Luckily, we called the company and they allowed us to reschedule for Tuesday at the last minute. But oh what to do in the meantime?? We were running to catch a bus back to the hotel when I fell and scraped my knee. Doh again. But Dos said that I fell gracefully, almost like a princess. So that was comforting. I hobbled slowly back to the hotel to clean my knee and we decided to take a ferry to Catalina Island. Yay. I love last minute plans.
The ferry that we rode over was nice with plush seats. I slept a little on the ride over, but when I woke up I saw the most adorable little girl looking back at me from her seat. I played peek-a-boo with her a little and made her laugh. I swear, I wanted one of my own right then. . . even though I know I won't actually be ready to have one of my own for several more years. I'm going to adopt anyway. Cindy, Luke,,and I have all discussed this. Cindy hates kids and doesn't plan on having them, but Luke and I both plan on adopting. Biology doesn't make a parent. The three of us are educated enough to know that. Plus, the fact that we all have at least one crappy parent helps. My reasons for adoption are personal, but I don't think adoption should be limited to those who are infertile or have genetic disorders.
When we got to the island, it was so beautiful. We took a scenic tour and a lot of the history was explained to us. There is a lot of history on that beautiful island. Next, we took a submarine six feet below the ocean to see some fish. . . and oh, did we ever see some fish. There were all kinds and shapes and colors. We actually did get a couple of semi-decent pictures. There were so many of them coming at us all at once and they were so beautiful. Now I know why The Little Mermaid was torn between her life under the sea and her prince. Hehe.
After the undersea tour, Dos and Luke wanted to go parasailing. However, this whole fear of heights thing kind of held me back. So I tanned myself on a bench instead. There was a guy totally wanted to ask me out. He was walking past me as I was walking to my bench and our eyes met and I swear, it was like a scene from a movie. Everyone else just faded away and it was instant heat. But alas, he was on the island and I was headed back to L.A. in a couple of hours. So it wasn't meant to be, I guess. Oh well. . . such is life. When Dos and Luke came back, we went looking for a snack and I should have known that Dos would find a bar. What the hell. . . I needed a drink. I had a drink called "Red-headed Slut" and she had a "Busty Brunette." I also had a "Horny Blonde" and I have to say that those two drinks were making me feel very tipsy. But as Luke pointed out, I hadn't had anything to eat in six hours. . . unless you count the Rocky Road ice cream cone Dos had bought me earlier (my favorite flavor next to Butter Pecan). I had to walk very carefully back to the boat.
When we got back to the mainland, of course the question was: what to have for dinner. We ate at this very cool diner, The Pantry. They don't have menus; all of their specials and menu items are on the walls. They also do not have any female servers. Any females working at the restaurant are cashiers. It may be a little out-dated, but the food was damn good. And the portions were huge. Then we came back to the hotel and slept. Ahhh . . . sleep.
Today, we awoke bright and early and made it to the hotel at the CORRECT time in order to board our bus to Tijuana. It took us roughly 3 hours to get there and the driver was kind enough to give us a map, telling us where the main street was where all the restaurants, bars, and shops were located. Mexico was so great. There was a pharmacy on every single block. . . actually, there were a LOT more than that. Seriously. Discount drugs here. Get your discount drugs here! Here. Everyone was outside their restaurant trying to get us to eat or drink with them. It was great. We decided against eating at Burger King, Dominoe's, or Carl's Jr. Really. . . we're going to go to Mexico and eat there? We actually ate at a Mexican restaurant the bus driver had recommended to us. It was very good and very authentic. But actually, I have had better guacamole. Other than that, everything was delicious. Then, we had to hurry back to where our bus was picking us up. . . but not before I bought some alcohol. And the only reason I bought any alcohol was because it was really cheap and because I wanted some Everclear. That stuff is illegal in about 47 states (maybe because it's 96% alcohol), so I definitely wanted to buy some and I got it for $6. Woo-hoo! After our wonderful day in Mexico, we spent several hours on a bus (customs was remarkably easy to get through) and FINALLY made it back to our hotel.
Dinner was at this great diner, Canter's. Hmmm. . . so good. I was in the mood for Claim Jumper, this other place that Cindy wanted to take me to. But alas, it was closed. Oh well.
Now, I have made a decision and decided to stay in L.A. for another day. My friends talked me into it and I will be getting in on Thursday in the middle of the day. The only problem I have now is finding someone to pick me up from the airport. I spoke to my sister today and she sounded very hesitant about it. She was making excuses and she didn't say no, but she didn't say yes either. God, she is so unreliable. Okay, when I say that blood family doesn't always mean anything. . . this is what I mean. This is one of those times that I wish I had a boyfriend. Even Robert was willing to pick me from the airport if I needed him to. All I know is that Dad better not send his stupid friend to pick me up, or as I like to call him. . . "Mistake Guy." He offered to pick me up before I left and I know what he wants. It's just an excuse. No thank you. I'll figure something out.
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