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Location: Naples, Italy

Living in Italy with my husband, who is a civilian employee of the US Navy. I am addicted to books!

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

And 2006 is off to a great (not really) start. . .

2006 began with a bang. And by bang, I mean. . . well you know what I mean. New Year's Eve was really fun. And a little bit weird. Dave ended up coming to dinner with me and Kim. I know, I know. Craziness. Kim felt guilty that he didn't have anything to do. I felt bad so I said he could come. It really wasn't that bad. Dave actually made some attempt to make conversation with me and get to know me. Of course, Kim had told him that if he changed they could TALK about working things out. But he took that to mean that they were back together. Wrong. He kept trying to get overaffectionate (is that a word??) with her and she thought he was flirting with another woman (that was just her overreaction and jealousy). We got home around 1 am and the kids were still up. We put them to bed and Dave and Kim argued until 3 am. Oy.

The next day, the kids woke us up at 8:30. I spent the entire afternoon with Seth, who I hadn't seen since before Christmas. We exchanged gifts. He gave me the Rent soundtrack. Woo-hoo! I actually got him the same thing and I was going to steal his copy to burn a copy for myself. Hehe. We also went to see "The Family Stone," which was a pretty good movie (very funny, but also a little sad and it made me cry). Then we went to IHOP to satisfy my craving for pancakes. Mmm. . . yummy. We had so much fun just laughing and joking with each other. I went back to Kim's place that night. And Christian told me he loved me for the first time. It was so sweet and adorable! I hadn't even said it to him that day. I was just sitting there on the couch and he ran up to me and said, "I love you Cindy." I swear, I love those kids so much.

Yesterday, Kim was planning to go into work for a couple of hours for overtime and then we were planning on going shopping to spend our Christmas gift certificates. As you remember, our last shopping trip had to be cut short because of my stomach "thingie" (since it wasn't really the flu, I don't know what to call it). But early in the morning, her toilet started overflowing and wouldn't stop. Okay, before you say it. . . I didn't do it. I swear. The water just started coming out and soaked the floor. There was about an inch of water on the bathroom floor and it had soaked into the hallway. Kim called the emergency maintenance line for her apartment building and I called Seth (just to talk). Yeah, he told me to just turn the knob beside the toilet and the water would stop coming out. I am such a girl. Why did I not know that? Well, the rest of the day was spent trying to fix the toilet, cleaning the carpet so it didn't mildew, and trying to keep the kids away from the water (that was actually the hardest part). The maintenance guy and the carpet guy did a great job. Then they left, we put the kids down for a nap and we all sat down to relax for a few minutes. Kim actually fell asleep and Dave left a few minutes later.

So Dave was supposed to fix Kim's brakes that night. They have been messed up for a while and it's getting a little dangerous. They spoke at around 5:00 that night and he basically let her know he wasn't going to do it because she was unthoughtful. The reason for her unthoughtfulness? She made the mistake of falling asleep when she SHOULD have been making him something to eat. No, I'm serious. They were both hungry, but Kim was also exhausted. She had been up at 7:30 am to go to work, then came home to deal with the toilet, the carpet, and the kids for about three hours. Who wouldn't be tired? But since Dave had come out of his way to help her, she owed him something. I'm sorry, but is she his mother? Kim already has two kids she's responsible for feeding; she doesn't need a third. He could have gotten off his lazy butt and made it himself. Whatever. Kim and I did end up going shopping (we took my car) with the kids. They were actually pretty good and they just spent the rest of the night arguing back and forth. He did call her back at 8:00 that night to ask why she wasn't home and to say that he could fix her brakes then. He thought that she would cancel her plans to sit around and wait for him. Ha.

Okay, hear is the really funny part. Apparently, I am ungodly. Yeah, ungodly. Kim was trying to tell Dave that she did not like for him to be as physically affectionate with her as he was. The reason: they are NOT together. However, he as a little problem respecting her wishes. Finally, she told him that I had told her it was disrespectful to do that in front of me. He then said, "Don't you know that an ungodly person can't appreciate displays of affection?" Now, it's a very good thing that I wasn't around when he made that remark because I would have kicked his ass. He has not seen my temper yet, but I would be more than happy to show him. I CAN appreciate displays of affection. Of course, I do feel a little comfortable around them just because I know they aren't together and I know that Kim doesn't want it. Besides, I'm sure that there are plenty of religious people who are uncomfortable with public displays of affection. I can't believe he brought my religious beliefs into it. I hate it that he thinks he's better than me just because he believes in God. He pisses me off.

So my New Year started off wonderfully. And by wonderful, I mean. . . not so much. But that's okay. I still have hope that 2006 will be better than 2005. It has to be.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, I believe it is the religious right-wing conservative freaks that can't handle public displays of affection, because that might mean an ungodly relationship is going on, right? Not -- PREMARITAL SEX!??? Ahhhh!

;-) Laura

PS- I wrote this here, because we can only communicate through your blog. ;-)

January 03, 2006 4:30 PM  
Blogger Luke said...

Much easier than picking up a phone! I'm one to talk!

January 05, 2006 5:08 PM  

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