Wearing pajamas all day rocks!
This weekend started off rocky. On Saturday, I was supposed to wake up at 6:30 and instead I woke up at 7:55. And considering the fact that I just got 9 1/2 hours sleep, I feel remarkably unrested. Of course, I managed to shower, dry my hair, and get dressed in half an hour. How good am I? I get to work with 10 minutes to spare. I came in at 10:00 to work an hour of overtime, so I really didn't need to rush to get here. But I'm a total work horse. At least, that's what they tell me at work. I worked 10 to 9 on Saturday. It really paid off too, cause when I left, Chick-fil-A had only 327 e-mails. Woo-hoo!! Stupidest w-mail of the day: white guy who was discriminated against. Ha. What a loser. The day was long and brutal, so I decided to treat myself and pick up Mexican food on the way home. Mmmm. . . I love their cheese dip. When I got home, I fully intended to get stuff done. I had cleaning to do, laundry, balancing my checkbook, blah, blah, blah. But I was way too tired. So I pigged out on Mexican food and watched mindless Lifetime TV programming. And I didn't do a damn thing. I went to bed around 2:00 and slept till 9:30. I woke up, watched TV, had leftover Mexican food for lunch, and I did manage to do some cleaning. I took my time about it though. I did the dishes, my laundry, vacuumed, etc. I also called my supervisor and left her a message. I told her that if they needed me to come in on Monday, I would, even though it's supposed to be my day off. I am such a glutton for punishment. Whatever, I'll be grateful for it when I get my paycheck. That night, I decided to do a little exercise. I put in my new Bellydancing fitness DVD. I wasn't able to get through the entire thing. It's more of a grueling workout than you would think. It's fun though. And then I did my Kathy Smith weight lifting DVD. Now that's a workout. I need more muscle though. I also blew up my balance ball. It took forever! But now I have a new toy for my home gym. My mom and my sister also came over for a few minutes. Jenifer had to drop off some money for Dad amd mom wanted the grand tour of my apartment cause she's never seen it. She really aggravates me. She's such a bad mother. Whatever, I'll be civil. Jenifer told me that she's found a house and will probably be moved in by August. Oh, joy. It's bad enough that my sister will be only 15 minutes away, but my mother will be too. Of course, I did like seeing Jenifer just because she's gotten bigger. For the first time ever, I am smaller than my sister. I think it's funny that I'm getting smaller and she's getting bigger. Luckily, her and my mom didn't stay very long. Then, I wacthed the Simpsons and caught up on my e-mails. And then it hit me. . . the stupid migraine that I've felt coming on for the last week. It came on fast too. One minute I'm fine and the next minute, I can barely move. So I went to bed at 9:00 pm. I woke up at 6:30 this morning, so I got a pretty decent night's sleep. I still feel wiped out though. No matter how much sleep I get, I still feel tired. I need a vacation. So now I'm watching Golden Girls and I plan on balancing my check book since I didn't get to that yesterday. I also have some more cleaning to do and laundry to finish. I also plan on buying tickets for Seth and me to see the musical, Chicago. His birthday is in September and it's coming to Atlanta in early October. Since we both loved the movie so much, I think we'll enjoy the musical too. I hope so anyway. Gotta go now.
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