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Location: Naples, Italy

Living in Italy with my husband, who is a civilian employee of the US Navy. I am addicted to books!

Thursday, July 01, 2004

2 Blogs in One

Wednesday. . .

Okay, so today was my first day back at the office in 4 days. Ugh. I was not looking forward to that. Since I had worked close to 60 hours last week AND the week before, I desperately needed the time away. So I come in and Chick-fil-A now has 674 e-mails. Argh!! It was at 550 when I left. . . what has everyone been doing?!? I'm just so glad I don't answer e-mails from Sonic since they have over 2,000 e-mails. I actually felt guilty about eating there this weekend, just knowing how swamped they have made us. (Note to self: if Luke ever comes back to Georgia, introduce him to the fattening world of Sonic.) Anyway, so many e-mails, so little time. I would stop eating at CFA cause I'm so sick of all this work. However, they have the best chicken in the world. Of course, you Rochesterians have no idea what I'm talking about (except maybe Luke, of course). My supervisor was thrilled when I volunteered to work overtime tonight and tomorrow. I am the only one who works OT anymore, but hey, at $21/hour, it is sooo worth it. So the day goes by fast and I don't have too many stupid people on the phone. And it rained today again. Dreary weather and I'm tired, even though I got 9 1/2 hours of sleep last night. And I'm here from 10:30 to 9:00 pm. I then talk to my sister on the way home and she is pretty much moving down here to be closer to all of us. And you know what that means? Yep, my mom is coming with. Oh Joy. Oh well, I'll just avoid her. My sister is also talking about getting a job with me. We'll see if that works out or not. At least that will mean plenty of quality time with my niece or nephew. Let's hope the kid grows up just like me and nothing like her mother, right? So then I arrive home at 10:00 pm, only to discover that the Internet is down AGAIN! My dad tells me that something is wrong with the line and the Internet people are supposed to come tomorrow to check it out. I hope they do it soon. Oh, and I discovered that I've lost my debit card. Dammit! So I'll call the bank tomorrow. For now, it's Will and Grace, Golden Girls, and sweet, sweet sleep.

Thursday. . .

Wake up today to a doctor's appointment. . . FINALLY!! And joy of joys, when they weighed me, they discovered that I have lost weight. How is that even possible?? Must have been that 5 mile hike through downtown Atlanta on Sunday. Oh well, 17 more pounds till I reach my goal weight. Yippee. The doctor (who is so hot. . . looks like Luke Wilson) says MRI looked good (which means no bone chips or cartilage floating around in my knee and nothing is torn). There is still a lot of puffiness and some "abnormal motions" happening when I move my knee, but it doesn't look like I'll need surgery. I still have to wear the brace for a month (eek) and then I'll probably have to do physical therapy to strengthen my leg. But he did say I could resume treadmill and Taebo (yay!). I just have to go easy and wear my brace. Oh, how I've missed cardio. Sounds weird considering I went three years with no regular exercise, right? So I make my follow up appointment for August (day after I return from Rochester actually) and head to Target since I don't have to be at work till 12 today. Okay, so I only go in for like 3 items and I end up spending way tooo much money on stuff I didn't even go in there for! How did that happen? Oh well, I can afford it. No biggie. And then I'm off to Chick-fil-A for lunch (I loved their Chargrilled Chicken Sandwich with Buffalo Sauce on it. . . you know me and spicy!) and then it's off to work for a 10 hour shift today. And of course it's raining. . . for the ninth straight day in a row, I kid you not. But we were in a drought, so I guess we needed it. And I get to work and discover that I was not given croutons for my side salad (okay, so I never eat them. . . it's the principle of the thing. And my lettuce is brown and my chicken looks like it has a tail! Weird. But it's still tasty and I put some Buffalo sauce on it and I am good to go. Yummy. And now I'm catching up on my blog on my lunch break since I have no Internet at home. We have been so busy that this is the FIRST day in 2 weeks that I have not had to work straight through lunch. I feel lost cause I can't catch up on Luke's blog and I have no idea what anyone is doing. It suddenly occurs to me that it's been exactly 6 weeks since I last spoke to Kim. Actually, I've been thinking about it every day. She's my best friend, but ever since our fight 6 weeks ago, we have yet to speak. Well, I didn't do anything wrong and if she's not concerned with losing her best friend, then what can I do? It's just sad. I realized the other day that Seth and I have been best friends for exactly 4 years and Kim and I have been friends for the same length of time. It's amazing how time flies. I guess there's nothing I can do about Kim. . . if she wants to lose me over this stupid fight, then that's her deal. Okay, 12 more minutes for my lunch break and I'm going to balance my checkbook. I'll check back with everyone later.


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