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Location: Naples, Italy

Living in Italy with my husband, who is a civilian employee of the US Navy. I am addicted to books!

Friday, July 09, 2004

Who's idea was the E-mail-a-thon anyway??

These past two days have been exhausting and hectic, so excuse me for not keeping up with my blog. Wednesday and Thursday, I worked 12 to 12 for our "E-mail-a-thon." Every one of the clients that we handle had major, major e-mail volume and several of us volunteered to work 12 hours to try to get them done. And we all took a 2 hour break to watch dinner and a movie on those nights (paid for by our manager). Wednesday's movie was "Office Space" and last night's movie was "Fifty First Dates." Both of those are very excellent movies. And on Wednesday, one minute before our shift was over, Dwight kindly reminded me that we had been there exactly one year. Oh my god.

Dwight: Today's the 7th right? You know what that means. . . we've been working here for
exactly one year.

Me: Really?? Gee, I don't know whether to congratulate myself or throw myself off a cliff.
What do you think Dwight? You wanna push me off a cliff later?

Dwight: Hmmm. . . as tempting as that is, that'll just mean more work for me tomorrow, so
no thanks.

Isn't Dwight awesome? But Rachelle sang "Happy Aniversary" to us (sung to the tune of "Happy Birthday") That was sweet and she has an awesome voice too. Thursday's e-mail-a-thon went pretty much like Wednesday's Of course I ate junk food for dinner both nights. I better be careful. I don't want to gain back the weight that I've lost. Wednesday and Thursday actually ended with all of us listening to Loveline on the radio while we worked. Good times. That took me back to the days when I worked my stupid 4 to midnight shift. And of course Dwight was rubbing it in everyone's face that he had Friday off and we all had to work. Of course, I switched to a later shift. I really didn't want to get home at one and then be back at work at 11 the next day. So I decided to switch to the 1 to 9 shift. I have the ability to sleep till 10:30 today, but do I?? HA! I wake up at 8:45 and I think I overslept. Then, I can't go back to sleep. That's okay, though. I watched some Golden Girls and Nanny and relaxed before work. It was nice not having to rush to get ready. It's so hot out today. The high is 92 degrees. Of course, it starts raining later. . . . because that's what it does. It rains super hard for fifteen minutes and then it's clear again. The day passes rather uneventfully. I am so happy because Chick-fil-A now only has 435 e-mails! Woo-hoo! We are finally making a dent in these things. Our Project Manager is panicking because the big head honchos from Chick-fil-A are coming on Tuesday and lord knows, we can't have all those e-mails in there. Ugh. I hate it when they come. . . I can never get enough work done. Anyway, the night ended with a bitchy, stupid man who claims that previous operators hung up on him. Whatever. He's rude and irritating and demands a supervisor, yet he won't let me put him on hold to get one. He didn't think I was being apologetic enough and he got pissed that I did apologize. After 25 minutes of this, he finally lets me put him on hold and then he hangs up after 30 seconds before I can get anyone. Good riddance. Well, I handled it well. I totally kept my cool and was extremely patient with him. Anyone else would have hung up on long before that. Thank God my shift is over fifteen minutes after I finish dealing with him. I can't do anything else for the rest of the night. Now I'm exhausted and I actually volunteered to work an 11 hour shift tomorrow to help make some more headway with the e-mails. What the hell was I thinking?


Blogger Luke said...

Maybe you were thinking about all the extra money you'll be making so when you come up to NY, you can spend it on me!

July 11, 2004 1:11 PM  

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