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Location: Naples, Italy

Living in Italy with my husband, who is a civilian employee of the US Navy. I am addicted to books!

Monday, October 16, 2006


This weekend, Boy Wonder and I had our first weekend overnight adventure together. Very big step. We drove to North Carolina and saw the Biltmore house. It was a magnificent castle. It's huge with about 250 rooms. Some of the rooms were nice, but some of them were just ugly. Seriously, who was their decorator? Boy Wonder tried to defend them and said that the decor did date back to the 1800's. Frankly, I don't think that's any excuse for bad taste. I loved their library. It was enormous and the Vanderbilts had about 23,000 books that they had collected. I would have loved to have lived in that house. The gardens were pretty, though not all of the flowers were still in bloom. We went to a winery, where we were able to taste some of the wines. I warned Boy Wonder that I was a lightweight and I don't think he believed me. I probably had the equivalent of about two glasses of wine and I got a little loopy. I was definitely buzzed. On the way up to North Carolina, we took the scenic route and traveled up the Blue Ridge Parkway. It was filled with so many long, winding roads and about a million scenic overlooks. The views were wonderful and the leaves were at their peak bloom. I liked that Boy Wonder kept saying, "foliage." I never realized what a sexy word that was until he kept saying it. Totally hot. Good times were had by all. The fact that we did not kill each other was a plus. Actually, we didn't get sick of each other at all. I guess miracles can happen. I have pictures, but blogger is not letting me upload them at the moment. Later, I promise.


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