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Location: Naples, Italy

Living in Italy with my husband, who is a civilian employee of the US Navy. I am addicted to books!

Monday, September 25, 2006

Meeting the Family

Boy Wonder met the family yesterday. Oy and damn, damn, damn. My dad liked him. My grandmother loved him. My sister, however. . . now, I don't really give a damn whether she likes him or not. It's not like she has the best taste in people to begin with. She's not really discriminating about who she likes anyway. She likes everybody. That is, until you cross her. Then watch out.

Anyway, there was just a big scene yesterday after we had already had lunch. It was inadvertently started by me because I admitted to my father that on the way to the restaurant, Jenifer and her boyfriend had smoked with her 4 month old baby in the car. Not only that, but her boyfriend had basically said that was nobody else's business. This is a baby that spent the first week of her life in NICU because of problems with her lungs. This is also a baby that recently went to the doctor and was diagnosed with asthma. Jenifer was told by the doctor not to smoke around the baby and that it could make Abigail end up in the NICU again. Does that stop her? Absolutely not.

My dad refused to let Abigail ride in the same car back with them. And my sister went crazy. Boy Wonder and I were in the backseat and she was ranting and raving the entire ride home. It was freaking nuts. For her to go off like that in front of my boyfriend and hers was just totally inappropriate. But she doesn't realize that. Lucky for me, Boy Wonder does not scare easily. He did say that if I have any of THOSE genes in my body, then he will run like the wind. Haha.

Abigail is an adorable baby. She was quiet, too. She barely made a peep the entire day. She would start to scrunch up her face like she was going to cry a few times and then the second I put a bottle in her mouth, she was good. Connor (my nephew) was putting up a fight the entire dinner because he wanted to sit in my sister's lap. He was tired and sick and probably frustrated because my sister hardly ever spends any time with him. She's always dumping him off on other people. She was determined to eat without him in her lap, which meant he was screaming in his chair. I know we were disturbing other customers. I just think that if you are a mother, you have to deal with either eating with one hand or not eating until your child is satisfied. Her boyfriend offered to take him outside, but she refused. She didn't refuse when my dad offered though. I was about to yell at her. She needed to either sit him in her lap like she wanted or take him outside so he wasn't disturbing other customers. It's not like she cares about other people though. I was actually eating with Abigail in my arms. Granted, she stayed a lot more still than Connor, but I still managed to eat with one hand. She wasn't crying, but I had picked her up to give her a little attention. She needed it.

It was a crazy day, but at least Boy Wonder wasn't completely scared off. If he wasn't scared off by my sister, then we should be okay.


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