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Location: Naples, Italy

Living in Italy with my husband, who is a civilian employee of the US Navy. I am addicted to books!

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Miss me much?

No, I haven't disappeared off the face of the planet. No, I haven't been killed or horribly disfigured in some freak staple gun accident. No, I wasn't kidnapped by aliens and used as their sex slave. I have just been really, really, really busy. Not very exciting, is it?

In reality, I haven't felt very much like blogging lately. I have been having a lot more migraines (due to a change in medication) and I have also had some depression issues (due to being on birth control pills). I swear, I have the most understanding boyfriend in the world. The last several weeks, I have been moody and angry and sad all at the same time. The smallest things have been setting me off. One minute I'm fine and the next minute (literally), I'm in tears. I told Boy Wonder that I haven't been this emotional or cried this much since I was sixteen. And all the migraines haven't been helping. Boy Wonder has been great, though. I'll get angry at him for no reason and I won't even tell him what the reason is. I'll just act moody and distant and he has no idea what the hell is wrong or what he's done. I told him last week though that I really think the birth control pills have been wreaking havoc with my body. He wants me off of them. He says he just wants me healthy and happy. I can't say that I blame him. Work isn't much better since I've been biting my grandmother's head off, too. I yelled at her a lot the other day. It was a bad day. Then this week, she bought me some new shirts and a new purse and she brought me lunch today. This other guy at work said I should treat her like crap more often if this is the kind of treatment that I can expect to get. I think her motive was to make me feel guilty. It's working.

I am on a new migraine medication and I think I'm finally on the right dosage. I have two doctor's appointments on Monday, one to get some other form of birth control and another with my neurologist to discuss how my new medication is going. I think I'm going to try this new migraine medication diet that my friend Laura is on. It involves getting rid of any potential dietary triggers for migraines, as well as going off all medications and going off any hormonal birth control method. I'm going to discuss this diet with my neurologist tomorrow and see what he says about going off my medication. I've already taken the first MAJOR step, which is to go off caffeine. Caffeine withdrawals were not fun. I was also irritable and snappy from those. But the cravings for caffeine aren't as bad, so that's good. Honestly, I've kind of been waiting until I finish all the processed food in my house first. Next grocery trip, I'll start buying all my unprocessed foods that I'm going to need. It's going to be a pain in the ass looking at all those ingredient labels.

I will get my health straightened out. It's just been a bit crazy. School started back this week, so I'm getting back in the swing of things with that. Lots of work to do and it's only the first week. I enjoy my Spanish class, as usual. I am in Beginning Level 3 and apparently, we are now in the level where we are not so much allowed to speak English. I was afraid I had forgotten most of what I learned in the first two levels, but it's like riding a bike. And I managed to understand most of what the teacher was saying. She tries not to speak super fast since she knows what level we're at and she cuts us a LITTLE slack when we slip up and speak English. But this professor is a little strict about it. I don't mind that. It'll force me to use the language.

So that is my life right now. Boy Wonder and I are doing fabulously. We are very happy, except for the fact that I have been "emotionally crazy" (his words, not mine, but they are accurate) these past few weeks. Oh, but I did forget to mention that I introduced him to my very best friend Seth last weekend. They got along great. Seth said he seemed like a nice guy and we seem good together. At one point, I left them alone together and Boy Wonder told him that I make him really happy. How sweet is that? Ahh. . . true love. Good times, good times.


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