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Location: Naples, Italy

Living in Italy with my husband, who is a civilian employee of the US Navy. I am addicted to books!

Friday, September 22, 2006


It's been another crazy week here in my small, little world. I feel like I'm behind in my schoolwork already and it just started up again. I am trying really hard not to let my newfound personal life affect my studies and for the most part, I'm succeeding. I do have to remember that I have other goals in life besides making sure my relationship with Boy Wonder is kosher. I know. Surprising, isn't it? I'm taking a Marriage and Family Counseling course this time and it's actually kind of interesting. Honestly, if I weren't so set on counseling sex offenders, I might consider going into family counseling. Family counseling is a little more difficult, though. You don't just have one person's issues to consider. You may have two people or even five people to consider and all of them may have something different going on. That's a lot of balls in the air. Intense, but it does sound a little exciting as well. I guess counseling sex offenders can be both of those things, too.

Boy Wonder and I are in a really good place right now. I've still been emotional this week. I'm actually going off birth control and getting the IUD (which will cost me $500, thank you very much) next week, but that's another story. We hadn't been able to see each other since Saturday because of my work schedule and I also had plans with Kim this week (yes, Kim. . . I'll save that story for another blog entry). Maybe it's just my hormones, but I didn't really think he was missing me and I was totally missing him. We had a conversation last night in which he said he almost came to my place, but didn't because of gas and traffic, blah, blah, blah. Yet, he said he was committed to spending the rest of his life with me. I told him that there wasn't any way this was going to work if he didn't come to my place for reasons like that. I mean, we are going to be living apart for at least a year and a half. I did tell him that I wouldn't move in with him until I got married and I don't plan on getting married until after school. It would just be too much beforehand, I think. Anyway, it's hard not to take it personally, even though he was telling me that I shouldn't. He realized that he does need to meet me halfway on things. I had gotten out of Spanish class at 8:30 and was on my way home when we were having this conversation. Then, he said he would just come to my place. I told him that I wasn't mad and I didn't want him to feel forced to do it. But he was insistent, so he got to my place at 10:00. I think that was a good step in our relationship.

Boy Wonder is meeting some members of my family this weekend. I'm a little nervous. No boyfriend has ever met my family. I've never wanted them to because it's never been serious. So what's the point really if it's not going anywhere. He's meeting my dad and my grandmother, which really shouldn't be too bad. But he's also going to meet my sister. Ugh. Yeah, my sister's nuts. Plus, she may be bringing her 43 year old boyfriend with her. That's right. My 23 year old sister is dating a 43 year old man who doesn't have a job right now and has three kids, the oldest of which is 18. I am so looking forward to Sunday (insert sarcastic tone here). The reason that she is coming is because it's a birthday dinner for my dad. The only reason I'm kind of glad she's coming is because she's bringing her babies and they're freaking adorable. Boy Wonder also said that he would like to take me to Alabama over Thanksgiving to meet his family. If I can get out of work, that would be great. Apparently, he has never brought a girl home either so this is a big deal. We are so alike that it's scary.

Tonight, I am headed off to Seth's direction to celebrate HIS birthday. How dare these people have birthdays within days of each other? We're going to grab some dinner and maybe see The Wicker Man. That should be fun. After spending time with my gay boyfriend, I'll head off to see my straight one. Good times, good times on a Friday night.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wicker Man was OK. I didn't like the ending, but who does? sicko.

Anyway, glad you're having fun! Talk to you soon!

September 25, 2006 4:51 PM  

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