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Location: Naples, Italy

Living in Italy with my husband, who is a civilian employee of the US Navy. I am addicted to books!

Friday, August 18, 2006

The next level Part 2

There has been a slight tinge of weirdness between me and Boy Wonder that has upset me a little. It's not a huge thing. Apparently, he doesn't feel comfortable spending the night with me yet. I know, we're having sex, but he doesn't want to spend the night with me. The other night, after our first time, he did ask me to leave. He didn't really do it in a mean way, but the fact that he did it still left me feeling a little rejected. He could tell that I was upset about something and he called me soon after I left his place. We talked about it a little and he said he didn't mean to hurt my feelings and he didn't mean for it to come across as him kicking me out immediately after sex. He said that he wasn't sure if we were "at the point" of sleeping over or not. Last night, he left my place and said that he couldn't spend the night. He tried to explain it to me and said that it didn't have anything to do with me. I'm sure he could tell I was still disappointed, so he sent me a nice email last night. He told me that he does love me and him leaving doesn't say anything negative about me or our relationship. He has just been alone so long that it's hard giving up his solitary time, basically. He said that he just needs me to be patient and that it will take him a little time to open up to me and be comfortable enough to spend the night with me.

I know that he isn't using me for sex and I know that he loves me. He does tell me he does a lot. I just hate it when I have to leave him or he has to leave me. I feel like crap because I love him so much and I would like to actually spend the night with him. I almost hate this feeling of being in love. I feel so good with him and I know that because of my feelings for him, he has this huge power to break my heart. I'm trying to trust that he won't, but it's really, really hard. I'm so happy that I keep waiting for something to happen to screw it up. I keep waiting for him to realize that I'm not nearly as funny or exciting or smart as he thinks I am. So I'm a little oversensitive to signs that he may be losing interest. Am I wrong for allowing this to get to me so much? I did tell him that I would be patient and just be secure with the knowledge that he does love me. I guess since we've only been dating for three weeks that I can give him this time to be comfortable sharing with me. I mean, we do have the rest of our lives to spend nights together. I think that maybe I should only worry if we've been together for months and he still doesn't feel comfortable spending the night with me. After al, if we're planning on spending our lives together, then we should be able to spend the night together. For now, I will just have to be patient and it is not easy. I am not a patient person. Other than this one thing, things are pretty great. I mean, last night at dinner, he tore his napkin in half so that I could have a piece because there were no more napkins. Now that's romance.


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