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Location: Naples, Italy

Living in Italy with my husband, who is a civilian employee of the US Navy. I am addicted to books!

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Can I be a talk show host please?

Greg Behrendt, the author of the best-selling book, "He's Just Not that Into You, is getting his own talk show. That's right ladies and gentleman. . . we have reached the bottom of the barrel. Apparently, Hollywood thinks he has valuable relationship advice to offer the national public.

My question is: what are his qualifications exactly? Why do millions of women flock to hear his so-called words of wisdom about men and relationships? Is he some sort of psychologist? No. Has he done extensive study on the subject? No. He's just some random guy who screwed a bunch of ladies over in the past before he found his one true love and now he's waking women up to the truth about their philandering, lieing, disappearing, loser boyfriends/husbands.

So let's look at some of the chapters to his book, shall we?
He's not that into you if he's not calling you.
He's not that into you if he's disappearing on you.
He's not that into you if he's not having sex with you.
He's not that into you if he's having sex with someone else.
He's not that into you if he's married to someone else. (okay, seriously. . . did that one even need to be said??)
He's not that into you if he's not marrying you.

There are several others, but that's the gist. So tell me. . . all of that's basically true, right? But was there anything particularly insightful there? All he did was write a book and say all the things that women were thinking deep down, but were afraid to say. Nothing new, nothing extraordinary. And for that, the man gets his own show. I don't get it. I give it one season. The sad thing is that I may actually watch one episode. I did look at some of the episode descriptions and he is doing a little bit more than boy/girl relationship advice stuff. . . but is anyone going to want to watch him at anything else? And the first time he utters those words, "He's just not that into you" to a guest, I'm going to hurl his stupid book through the TV.

Really, I think I deserve my own talk show. Come on, I deserve it. I have tons of life experience and I have dated a lot of losers. Now, I think I may have actually stumbled upon a relationship that's real. Hey, if that isn't a qualification to dole out relationship advice to thousands of strangers, I don't know what is.


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