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Location: Naples, Italy

Living in Italy with my husband, who is a civilian employee of the US Navy. I am addicted to books!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

My Crazy Life Part Two

So things are kaput with World Traveler and I am getting back into the swing of things of course. I had a date last night with a guy I'll call Math Professor. Please don't be dense enough to ask me how I came up with that nickname. We haven't really been emailing that long. He seems like a nice guy. When we talked on the phone the other day, he actually seemed nervous, which I found a little charming I must admit. I'm not really sure what to make of the date. We went out for Indian food. We both like spicy food. We did have fairly decent conversation. I'm not sure if there were instant sparks or not. I'm feeling kind of mediocre about it, I think. I guess we'll see if he asks me out for a second date or not. If he does, I'll say yes. My motto is to give a guy three dates before I make the decision on whether there is no chemistry or not. The guy is actually moving to Tampa in a month, so we'll see what happens. Distance isn't a deal breaker for me, so I guess it just depends on what happens between now and then.

I do have another date with another guy this Friday. His nickname is European Count. We've been emailing a couple of weeks. He seems funny and interesting. We've been playing phone tag for a couple of days. In the midst of all the phone tag, we did manage to make plans to meet for coffee on Friday. That one should be interesting. He has an accent. I'm trying to place it. But I have no idea where it's from.

I also joined a dating service last week. Yes, another one. So this one is a little more discriminating. They do background checks on all their members to screen out the ones that are married and the ones that are convicted felons. Okay, so get this. Apparently, according to a friend of my father's, I am being too picky and will never get a man. What?? Too picky? Yes, I am too picky. According to him, I should not necessarily disqualify EVERY single convicted felon like this service is doing. Also, I shouldn't dump guys who go a week without talking to me. And this service discriminates against people. Yeah, I admit it. Look at the guys I've been meeting through the services that don't discriminate. So I have no problem trying my luck at a service that says I deserve better than a convicted criminal. And I am not picky because I have standards. We aren't talking about deciding on what brand of ketchup I should buy. We're talking about deciding on the person that I want to spend the rest of my life with. You have to have some standards. You have to have your limits. Otherwise, you'll wind up with the first loser who comes along (like so many others in this stupid town). I just know what I want and I know what I deserve. So I have my deal breakers and maybe you guys can tell me whether I'm being too picky or not. Here are my deal breakers (in no particular order):

1. must have job
2. must be non-smoker
3. can't have criminal record (we're not talking speeding tickets here. those are
4. must be single
5. can not be into organized religion (I don't necessarily care if the person I'm
with believes in a higher power, but since I don't respect organized religion, I
can't be with someone affiliated with one)
6. must have similar political beliefs
7. must need sex on a regular basis (just threw that one in there for fun. but
seriously, I need it. . . all the time. Just ask any of my exes. I wore them

I'm not really going to say too much about personality because that's a given. Who doesn't want someone who's smart or honest? But these are really the only things I have to have in a guy. And when it comes right down to it, is that really so much to ask?


Blogger Luke said...

All very reasonable traits. 1.) Must have teeth 2.) Must not smell bad (though that was ignored on my last crush)

July 21, 2006 10:26 PM  

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