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Location: Naples, Italy

Living in Italy with my husband, who is a civilian employee of the US Navy. I am addicted to books!

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Sweet, sweet vacation

My vacation in the mountains with World Traveler was. . . marvelous. We had an amazing time and it was just what I needed after these last few weeks of stress and drama. We went up to this little cabin in North Carolina and spent the night. The next day, we went to this state park and hiked a little around some really pretty waterfalls. Things are going so well with this guy and I almost hate to say that because I'm sure it will jinx it. He's so funny and great. We did find out a lot more about each other, which is a good thing. Sometimes, there are a few things about him that make me wander. But I have to get over this idea that whoever I end up with is going to be perfect and is going to have every single quality I want. So I just really need to look at what the true deal breakers are and see whether he is long-term potential or not. I'm also trying really, really hard to just take it one day at a time. It's hard though because I'm so damn impatient. We did have a talk about seeing other people. He joked that apparently, I'm allowed to date other guys, but I can't sleep with them. Uh. . . sure. But he's not seeing anyone else right now. He knows that there are a few guys on my radar and he knows he can't really say anything about it since I don't think either one of us are really ready to commit yet. It's only been two weeks, so it may be just a little too soon.

I'm just so used to guys disappearing on me that I'm waiting for this one to do the same thing. Silly, huh? I'm just waiting for him to realize that he can do better or that I'm not nearly as interesting as he thinks I am. But for some reason, he does think I'm interesting. And smart. And sexy. Crazy, huh? I don't really consider myself any of those things. I have self-esteem issues major. But I don't think this one is going to run away quite yet. We'll see what happens. Why can't I just shut my overanalytical mind off and enjoy this?


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