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Location: Naples, Italy

Living in Italy with my husband, who is a civilian employee of the US Navy. I am addicted to books!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

The dating merry-go-round

Two dates in less than a week? Say it ain't so. I guess when I get out there, I get out there. I spoke with another guy that I met on this past Saturday. I'm calling him World Traveler. Yeah, I call him that because he's been to Egypt. Pathetic maybe, but I'm not creative enough to come up with a better nickname for him. Anyway, we've talked online a couple of times and once we were talking until 3:30 in the morning. He seems funny and really smart and totally cool. I wasn't even sure he was that into me because he hadn't asked me out yet. But then he did ask me to go on a picnic with him on Sunday after I got off work. It was a really great first date. And when I say great. . . wow. He was cute, funny, smart, charming, etc. It went really, really well. Then, he said he'd call the next day. . . and he did. Fancy that. I'm really kind of proud of myself though for not putting all my emotional eggs in one basket. Even though I really like this guy and would like to see him again, I'm still out there trying to get another date. I have to meet all those fish that are supposedly out there, right? And things may not work out with this guy. Besides, I want to focus my attention on others so that I don't agonize over this one and then maybe I won't seem to desperate if (or when) I see him again.

I did go to this interesting website called Hurry Date and it's kind of like speed dating. They have all these speed dating events and I'm thinking of going just so I can get out of my comfort zone a little bit. They are actually having a wine tasting event later this week. It's not a speed dating thing; it's just a place for singles to meet and I'm thinking of going. I might as well go where the singles will be. I think my horoscope for today says it all:

"Push yourself out of your comfort zone or the universe may do it for you. If you take the initiative, you'll be able to create space to do more of the things that truly enrich your life. Your life is about to change."

I guess I'm just nervous because I'll be going by myself. But then again, guys don't like approaching women who are surrounded by a bunch of other women, anyway. It'll be fun to meet other single people. I may get a hot guy's phone number, but even if I don't at least it'll be something fun to do.


Blogger Lynda said...

Sounds like you have a plan. I look forward to hearing how it goes, should you choose to share.

June 20, 2006 4:19 PM  
Blogger Luke said...

Oh, she will!

June 21, 2006 12:53 PM  

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