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Location: Naples, Italy

Living in Italy with my husband, who is a civilian employee of the US Navy. I am addicted to books!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

My Crazy Life Part One

It has been such a crazy week and a half. Things have been up and down and up and down. I'll try to keep it short and simple. Things are kaput with World Traveler. He kind of lost interest in me. He went over a week without talking to me. I actually called him after 4 days and you know what his excuse was? Playing video games and camping with some friend. O-kay. Sure. He could tell I was upset about something, but I told him that I would talk about it with him when he got back from his trip. He said he would call me back. That was last Thursday. You know when I heard from him? MONDAY. Seriously. Guys are idiots. . . and cowards. I had decided in my head that it was over. I mean, if I was overreacting, feel free to tell me I was wrong. But I feel like if he was really interested in me, then he would not have gone that long without talking to me. I wasn't even a blip on his radar. I told him that it was over and he acted like it was some huge surprise. He said this is how guys are (yeah, right) and they just go and do their thing. I said that if he liked me, he would have called at some point and obviously, this thing wasn't going anywhere. He didn't even deny that part. He said that if I couldn't handle how he worked, then maybe we weren't a good match and that he was of the mindset that if you love something, you should set it free. What a crock. If he really cared or wanted something more with me, he wouldn't have gone 8 days without talking to me. He probably just did it so I would break up with him. But I am not playing the same games I played with Robert. If I see that a guy doesn't want a future with me, I'm not going to wait around, hoping that he'll change his mind, just so I can end up with a broken heart in the end. Anyway, I'm proud of myself for doing the right thing. I haven't been the dumper in a while. Just because I have no guts. I'm disappointed that things did not work out, but I'm not heartbroken. But anyone can tell me if I was wrong for dumping him. I just think that the fact that he didn't deny that he didn't see a future with me says a lot. Obviously, he did not have any regard for my feelings. More to come on the rest of my crazy week in another installment.


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