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Location: Naples, Italy

Living in Italy with my husband, who is a civilian employee of the US Navy. I am addicted to books!

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

In a little bit of a funk

I am finally getting back to working out again and I like it. It feels good. Yesterday, I did an hour on the treadmill and my legs were really burning. I also tried this DVD from the "Slim in 6 Series." It's supposed to help you get fit and lose weight in 6 weeks. I could only do 20 minutes of the 75 minute workout. It's a good workout, but I have to work myself up to doing the whole thing. It's tough. My legs are sore today and I only did 20 minutes.

I am a little irritated with myself. Well, I'm partly irritated with myself and partly irritated with other people. I've been reading that book "Women who love too much." I know the title sounds corny, but bear with me. It's about women who are addicted to the drama of relationships and they feel like they need drama to be happy. I know I am like that. But I think I'm like that with my friends, too. I try to change them and try to force a relationship to work, even though I know it's not. I need to change these destructive patterns. If people aren't what they should be and don't care about me like I should, then I should just cut them loose, right? Easier said than done. I'm a little bit at a loss right now, I guess.

Anyway, back to more positive topics. Kim and I are making all the plans for our trip. Woo-hoo! Of course, she feels like everything has to be planned to the very last minute and that we should be doing something every second. Maybe it's just me, but I would like to sleep a little on this trip. I never get to sleep in. It would be nice to be able to sleep in a little. Oy. I can't wait though. It's going to be a blast. There is so much to eat in San Francisco! I could spend a week there just eating. But then I would weigh about 300 pounds. Hehe.


Blogger Lynda said...

Eating and walking up hills. You shouldn't gain too much. ;) I know! I use to live out there!

Not that you asked, but I recommend Pier 39. There use to be a Bourdin Bakery there where you could get soup in a bread bowl. There is nothing like San Francisco sourdough. It is near the first flight of stairs on the right as you are coming onto Pier 39.

March 01, 2006 5:00 PM  
Blogger Cynthia said...

Yeah, I know there is a lot of walking in San Francisco so I'm sure that will save me from huge weight gain.

Thanks a lot for the tip. I have some guide books for S.F. and they did mention the soup in a bread bowl. But they didn't give any names of places, so I really appreciate the tip. If you have any other tips on restaurants or things to see or even things to avoid, please feel free to share them. :)

March 02, 2006 9:59 AM  

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