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Luke tagged me on this several days back, but I have not done it yet. It's nice and simple. I just have to post the picture that is currently on my desktop. Here it is.

Things have been a little hectic for me in the past several days. I had a midterm last night and I've been working on my paper. Right now, I'm taking a break from my paper. I'm sick of thinking about it. I think it just needs a little more tweaking and it will be perfect. Well. . . maybe not perfect. But as close as perfect can get. I did get a 98 on my midterm last night. Woo-hoo! I think I may actually get an A+ in this class. That'll make up for that damn B+ I got last term. Yeah, I know how I sound. I'm just a perfectionist. I just hate B's. Classic older child syndrome strokes again. My professor did say he thought I should be in a doctoral program. He said that I seem like I know my stuff and a doctoral program would be tougher than a master's program. But that's what I need.
I filed my taxes yesterday. I'm getting a total of $2400 back! Yay! That will leave me with all the money I need for my upcoming trip and I'll still be able to save a lot. The hotels that Kim and I picked out for the Bahamas and San Francisco are giving us great deals. For the entire week, since we're splitting the hotel costs, we're going to spend a total of about $500 on hotels. I'm so excited. I need a break from this town. It'll be a great birthday.
Oh, and I have a job interview with the shelter director next Thursday. She said that right now, the full time position is being filled. However, she said that this person was probably only going to be there for a few months and after that, she would definitely consider me for the position. In the meantime, I'm applying for a part-time position. That's still something. If I get it, it would be good for me. And it'll give me time to prove to her that I can handle the job full-time. Since it's next week, that will give me plenty of time to figure out what the hell I'm going to wear. Seriously, I haven't had to dress professionally in seven months. I think New Year's Eve was the first time since June that I wore something other than blue jeans. It'll be weird.

Things have been a little hectic for me in the past several days. I had a midterm last night and I've been working on my paper. Right now, I'm taking a break from my paper. I'm sick of thinking about it. I think it just needs a little more tweaking and it will be perfect. Well. . . maybe not perfect. But as close as perfect can get. I did get a 98 on my midterm last night. Woo-hoo! I think I may actually get an A+ in this class. That'll make up for that damn B+ I got last term. Yeah, I know how I sound. I'm just a perfectionist. I just hate B's. Classic older child syndrome strokes again. My professor did say he thought I should be in a doctoral program. He said that I seem like I know my stuff and a doctoral program would be tougher than a master's program. But that's what I need.
I filed my taxes yesterday. I'm getting a total of $2400 back! Yay! That will leave me with all the money I need for my upcoming trip and I'll still be able to save a lot. The hotels that Kim and I picked out for the Bahamas and San Francisco are giving us great deals. For the entire week, since we're splitting the hotel costs, we're going to spend a total of about $500 on hotels. I'm so excited. I need a break from this town. It'll be a great birthday.
Oh, and I have a job interview with the shelter director next Thursday. She said that right now, the full time position is being filled. However, she said that this person was probably only going to be there for a few months and after that, she would definitely consider me for the position. In the meantime, I'm applying for a part-time position. That's still something. If I get it, it would be good for me. And it'll give me time to prove to her that I can handle the job full-time. Since it's next week, that will give me plenty of time to figure out what the hell I'm going to wear. Seriously, I haven't had to dress professionally in seven months. I think New Year's Eve was the first time since June that I wore something other than blue jeans. It'll be weird.
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