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Location: Naples, Italy

Living in Italy with my husband, who is a civilian employee of the US Navy. I am addicted to books!

Monday, September 19, 2005

100 things about me. . .

I have seen several people in different blogs do this, so I thought it would be fun to do it too. I'm sure that there are quite a few things in here that my friends will be surprised to know about me. Hope you find it interesting.

1. I have freckles and have grown to love every single one of them.
2. I love making lists.
3. My birthday says that I am a Taurus and my personality would have to agree.
4. I procrastinate whenever I can.
5. I love to swim. . .
6. but I’m scared of swimming in the ocean.
7. I’m scared of heights and escalators.
8. My favorite color is blue.
9. I despise any kind of bean or pea there is. However, I do adore chili.
10. My grandfather gave all four of his granddaughters nicknames when we were babies. Mine was “Reuder.” I have no idea what it means and the one time I tried to ask him, he gave me this long story about how I used to drink the little coffee creamers straight out of the container when I was a (very young) child.
11. I want to open my own non-profit organization one day.
12. From the age of 7 until about 21, I was not able to eat a single waffle because of a traumatic childhood experience.
13. I am one of the most supportive people you will ever meet.
14. I can’t drink milk unless it’s accompanied by something sweet or in cereal. The thought of drinking plain white milk by itself makes me sick. Sometimes if I have a craving for milk, I’ll even eat something sweet just so I can drink the milk.
15. I once lived in a two bedroom trailer with 7 people (including myself).
16. I despise most Reality T.V. (especially the Bachelor and the Bachelorette)
17. . . . but I love American Idol and the Apprentice
18. My favorite movies are Gone with the Wind and Chicago.
19. I still love stuffed animals and my favorite is a purple monkey that a guy I know (Luke) won for me a couple years ago.
20. I am a lightweight when it comes to alcohol.
21. I hate the taste of beer.
22. I am learning to accept compliments with a “Thank you” instead of thinking that the person couldn’t possibly have meant what he or she just said.
23. Since I lost weight, there are still some days where I see myself as fat. But I am working on that.
24. I have a hard time saying no to people (especially when it comes to sex and food).
25. When I have kids, I want to adopt (hopefully several from other countries).
26. I think that things like prostitution and drugs should be legalized.
27. The smell of pancakes and coffee reminds me of my grandfather.
28. My happiest childhood memories are when I spent weekends with my grandparents.
29. My biggest regret is that I didn’t spend enough time with my grandfather before he died.
30. I am a TV junkie and my favorite shows (currently still on the air) are: Simpsons, Will and Grace, Desperate Housewives, Nip/Tuck, and Boston Legal
31. I like soap operas.
32. I have had two stepfathers. Both of them were named John. Both of them were construction workers. Also, both of them were abusive to my mother (one physical and one verbal).
33. I listen to country music when I’m really depressed.
34. I sing aloud in the car all the time, even though I can’t sing.
35. I love karaoke.
36. I was glad when my parents got divorced.
37. Even though I know the statistics on divorce, I still believe that some marriages can last forever.
38. I don’t believe in soulmates.
39. I was baptized a Christian, but changed my beliefs as I grew older and was able to think for myself. I am now an atheist.
40. I don’t agree with the death penalty.
41. My sexual libido rivals that of any man.
42. When I’m at home, I spend 85% of my time naked because I hate clothes and find them confining.
43. I love exercise.
44. I am very opinionated about almost everything.
45. I love to read
46. . . . and can spend hours just browsing in a bookstore.
47. I love to dance, even though I know I have no rhythm.
48. Growing up, I was not able to have chocolate cake for my birthday because my sister hated chocolate (even though it was what I wanted). I got my first chocolate birthday cake on my 23rd birthday from my best friend and roommate in college, Cindy #2.
49. My pet peeves include liars, prejudice of any kind, and people who don’t use their turn signals.
50. I didn’t receive my driver’s license until I was 20 years old.
51. As a very young child, my favorite book was “Are you my mother?” by Dr. Seuss. It is also the first book I ever learned to read and I still have that same book today.
52. I am very sentimental.
53. I am fiercely loyal to anyone that I love and care about.
54. I love to act like a kid.
55. I love Disney movies with a passion (especially the animated ones)
56. . . . but I have an intense dislike for all Disney sequels.
57. My favorite board game is Scrabble
58. . . . and I can beat you even when I’m drunk (I’m that good).
59. I think that “hate” is a very strong word and I try not to use it on people (even on my ex boyfriends).
60. I have only used the word “hate” when talking about one person in my life and for this person, the word fits.
61. My favorite food is lasagna.
62. I have a huge sweet tooth and adore chocolate and cheesecake.
63. . . . However, I don’t like chocolate cheesecake that much because the taste of the chocolate overpowers the taste of the cheesecake and I don’t like that.
64. My favorite smells are gasoline and vanilla (not at the same time though).
65. I refuse to say that roses are my favorite flower because I think it’s too cliché and too much like every other woman in the world.
66. I have no favorite flower. I just like any flower that is bright and colorful.
67. I have no favorite season. My favorite season is always whatever season I happen to be in at the moment.
68. However, my least favorite season is Georgia in the middle of summer.
69. I love snow and cold weather.
70. My favorite Disney movie is Little Mermaid.
71. I had a dog who died my freshman year of college and I still miss her.
72. I stole a candy bar as a child and I still feel guilty about it today.
73. I have Charcot Marie Tooth, a form of muscular dystrophy.
74. I have been getting migraines since I was three years old.
75. During high school, I was home schooled for almost an entire year because my migraines got so bad.
76. I hate everything about bananas (the taste, the smell). Ugh.
77. I have never been able to snap my fingers (weird I know, but I just don’t have that ability).
78. I have never tried contacts because I don’t like the thought of putting something in my eye.
79. I’m attracted to men with accents, men who can sing, and I love hot men with stubble. That is such a hot look.
80. My very first job was a telemarketer when I was 15. I have been a telemarketer once more since then and because of that, I have an enormous amount of respect for them. I can’t hang up on them because I feel guilty.
81. Ants are the only living thing I don’t mind killing. I can’t bring myself to kill anything else ( even spiders).
82. I am more scared of George Bush than I am of any terrorist.
83. I would like to be a foster mother one day.
84. Martha Stewart really gets on my nerves.
85. When I was young, I wanted to be a judge for the Supreme Court.
86. My dream job used to be becoming a phone actress. . . . and now I’m living the dream.
87. My biggest fear is that I will turn out just like my mother.
88. Throughout my life, I have been a brunette, a blonde, and a redhead. . . and I’m kind of digging my natural hair color.
89. I’m learning to love my body and accept that there are things about it that I will never be able to change.
90. I was able to give up caffeinated beverages cold turkey for 17 months
91. . . . and promptly fell off the wagon when I recently became stressed out.
92. I love French Vanilla cappuccinos.
93. I have never had a single cavity
94. . . . even though there was a period of time when I did not visit the dentist for 6 years.
95. The fact that I have a horrible mother has made me realize that family doesn’t necessarily mean blood. I have friends that I consider family.
96. I am too clumsy to wear high heels.
97. I love shopping, but hate shopping for shoes.
98. I strongly dislike people who slow down when they see a car accident on the side of the road. . . it causes traffic jams people!
99. I put jalapenos in my tuna fish.
100. I have had a horrible childhood, but I think that it has made me a much stronger person and I am learning to come to terms with everything that has happened.


Blogger Lisa said...

Hey great list! I have to admit, I SO want to know about no. 12 and how do 7 people live in a 2 bedroom trailer? That can't have been easy. Sorry to read about your Grandfather. (btw Martha Stewart gets on my nerves too lol)

September 20, 2005 5:52 AM  
Blogger Cynthia said...


Yeah, No. 12 does inspire curiosity doesn't it? Well, my mother kept making me eat my breakfast even when I told her that I was feeling sick. Eventually, I threw up my waffles all over the kitchen table. After seeing them in reverse, I couldn't eat them for years. So here's a tip: if your kids say that eating something is going to make them sick, you should listen. :)

And the trailer thing was NOT easy. I shared a room with my sister and stepsister. My mom and stepfather had their room. And then my two stepbrothers actually slept on the living room floor. It was a nightmare.

September 20, 2005 11:15 AM  

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