White people are funny

Yesterday was a nice, relaxing day. We actually got to sleep in a little bit. When we woke up, we were starving and in the mood for Dim Sum. That is my favorite food besides Mexican. Of course no one does Dim Sum like Wayne in Rochester, New York. He owns this fabulous restaurant, Golden Port, that is the best restaurant ever (I swear). Anyway, so we walked to the subway to take it to Chinatown for Dim Sum. Because of my phobia of escalators, I took the stairs. But I was always happy to see the stairs because I love to be on the move. Every time we saw another flight of stairs (I think there were a total of 5), I would say, "Stairs. . . Yay!" And then I would run up (or down) the stairs. Even Luke said, "My God, she's like a machine." Hehe. Taking the subway was fun and then we got to the restaurant and had a delicious meal. I don't even know the names of half of what we ate. I just know all of it was fabulous.
After Dim Sum, we shopped around a little and Dos bought me some cute hair clips for my head. Really, I can't believe that my hair is actually past my shoulders now. Hasn't been this long in a while. Then we came back to the hotel and frolicked in the pool. We all played with a 99 cent beach ball that we figured must have come from the 98 cent store. Dos bought an inflatable air mattress so that she could lay out and tan. I wanted to keep my legs out of the sun as much as possible because they were still quite red from kayaking. Really. . . you would think I would know by now that my pale, white skin can't take hours in the sun without some sort of protection. Dos thought it was funny to keep touching my sunburn (to see it turn white,then red again) and to even lightly hit my neck where I had a little redness and it hurt. She laughed and said, "White people are funny." Yes, yes they are. But oh well. I wanted color on this trip and I'm getting it.
After the pool, we all drove to Norwalk to do bumper boats and other fun activities. I bumped their boats very well. But then again, I've had a lot of practice crashing cars. :) Then we did these Go Kart. Well as my luck would have it, I got a faulty car and it just gave out on me mid-course. Luckily, they let me do the course again for free and we were all good. We also did some skee ball, which I love. Then we did a round of golf. Unfortunately during the round of golf, a migraine struck and we had to leave. :( Damn migraines. What the hell?
We drove back to the hotel and I slept. When we arrived there, I immediately took some anti-nausea medication so that I wouldn't throw up. Thank goodness I packed that. Later, we went to dinner at Bob's Big Boy, which is a famous diner in California. They did have excellent diner food. . . the best that I have ever had. And then we went back to the hotel and I crashed. The migraine and the anti-nausea medication completely wiped me out.
Today, Luke had to take Cindy to work and I slept while he did that. But he was so sweet and he brought me back a present. He bought me Teddy Grahams and milk because yesterday I had mentioned that I had a craving for them. How sweet is that? He may not be my boyfriend, but he is the sweetest guy ever and he is a great friend. I love him to death. :)
We just hung out for a while in the hotel room and I took my time with showering and making myself gorgeous. . . I guess it really doesn't take that long anyway, right? Then we headed to Hollywood, my favorite place. I got to get my picture taken with Mickey Mouse. For those of you who know me well, you know I adore Disney movies so this was almost as good as getting my picture taken with Walt Disney himself. But since Walt Disney is dead, Mickey Mouse will just have to do. I do love Mickey though. :)
Luke and I also took a museum tour of Ron Hubbard's life. . . you know, the founder of Scientology. I am totally intrigued by Scientology. I am not religious, by any means (duh). But this fascinates me. Ron Hubbard was actually an accomplished man and led a fascinating life. I bought a couple of his books from the museum bookstore. It will make for interesting reading during the 4 hour layover in Texas on Wednesday. Oy. . . not looking forward to that.
Now, Luke and I are lounging by the pool and soon it will be time to pick up Cindy. Tomorrow we are going to Mexico!! Luke did tell me to make sure and wear lots of sunscreen.
Luke: "I don't want you to die of cancer. I want you to die of being old."
Me: "Oh, Luke. That's the sweetest thing you've ever said to me."
Luke: "I want you to die at the ripe old age of 30."
Me: "30?? You do know that's 5 years from now?"
Luke: "Ugh. . . 5 years? 28 then."
Hmmm. . . maybe I should retract that whole "he's a great friend" thing? Hehe. :)
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