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Location: Naples, Italy

Living in Italy with my husband, who is a civilian employee of the US Navy. I am addicted to books!

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Mmm. . . Books, books, and more books

Well I got up early this morning and went all the way to the doctor's only to find out that they weren't able to fit me in until next week when I get back from L.A. Dammit. Oh well. So after I that I went to the Mall of Georgia because I needed a few things. I decided to go into their massive 2 level Barnes and Noble Bookstore. Ahhh. . . does anything make me happier than the smell of new books? Well, maybe good sex. Or sex period. But for now, the smell of new books will just have to do. :) It was great thumbing through the pages of some of the classics. I saw the table of required reading for school and it really took me back to the days of high school and junior high. I actually remembered reading some of those books. And now, I have added some new books to my wish list on Of course, my birthday isn't for another 9 months and Christmas is still a long way off, but whatever. It's never too early to start planning. :)

Speaking of books, I have to get my sister a birthday present since her birthday is on August 9th. I know that she bought a lot of Dr. Seuss books for Conner (her son). The only one that she is missing from her collection is "Are you my mother?" Now, the reason that she and my mother informed me of this is because I happen to own this book. And I know that she's hoping that I will donate it to her. Ha. I don't think so. I have had this book since I was four years old. It was the first book I learned how to read and then I taught my sister how to read it. It's my favorite book and I plan on keeping it for when I have kids. So there is no way I am giving it to my sister. I was thinking of hunting it down and seeing if I could find it to buy for her. It might be harder than I'm thinking though. I don't know why I should go to the trouble. I don't even like my sister. I just have this need to make people happy. I'm weird that way, I guess.

So there was this crazy professor on the radio yesterday. And when I say crazy. . . I mean, he was crazy. Apparently, he has this diet that he has come out with. (Keep in mind he's not actually a medical doctor.) He said that it is a misconception that people need to exercise and that people don't actually need to drink a lot of water. Are you even kidding me? There was a woman who wrote an e-mail in response to the fact that he was on the show. She said that her mother DID lose about 50 pounds in seven weeks (which by the way is TOTALLY unhealthy). However, she also said that her mother had two heart attacks that nearly killed her. Hmmm. . . would you rather be thin or dead? Gee, I guess if you actually do the work that it takes to lose weight maybe you could be thin AND have a healthy heart. HA. What a concept. That kind of reminds me of the Atkins diet. I am so sick of people trying to take the easy way out and trying to be lazy when it comes to losing weight. And that's all it is. I have news for you. If you're not willing to exercise and eat right and work your ass off, you're not going to lose weight and you're not going to keep it off. Simple as that. But what do I know?

It is so hot out today. We are on code red smog alert today. I'm one of those people that don't actually have a favorite season. My favorite season is whatever season we happen to be in. Colorful leaves make me happy. Snow makes me happy. Warm weather makes me happy. But 105 temperatures. . . eh, I don't know. Not so much. It has been a nice, relaxing day though. And in about four hours I get to see Luke and in 6 1/2 hours, I'll be on a plane to L.A.!


Blogger Luke said...

Man, if you weren't sitting right next to me in the airport, I would have something totally funny and intelligent to say right about now.


July 27, 2005 8:14 PM  

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