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Location: Naples, Italy

Living in Italy with my husband, who is a civilian employee of the US Navy. I am addicted to books!

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Job well done

Well my very good friend Luke just lost a very good friend of his and he's extremely upset and despondent right now. I wish there was something I could do to make him feel better, but I know there isn't. Just know that I'm thinking of you, Luke, and I'm here if you need me. I love you and I miss you. At least we'll see each other when we visit Cindy in L.A.

It is so nice to hear that you're doing a great job. For the past two days, I've gotten a pat on the back so to speak. The first one occurred when I tied with another coworker for highest Call Quality scores for the month of June. I got a 99.5 or something like that. And my prize was a nifty Coca-Cola hat. Woo-hoo! All that hard work with all of my calls finally paid off. And seriously. . . the woman who monitors our calls is so picky sometimes that we were seriously considering storming her office and beating her down. :) Of course no one has ever met this woman. (Coincidence??) But now she's working from home so we would have to hunt down her address and worry about getting arrested. But I guess I don't need to do that now because I have apparently jumped through all the hoops that she wanted me to jump through.

Anyway, yesterday a customer actually congratulated me on a job well done. He said that I was doing a great job and showed excellent customer service. I love it when the customers compliment me because that REALLY doesn't happen very often, even though I'm oh so nice all the time. He also asked where I was from and when I told him, he said that I had the best accent he had ever heard. Hehe. As I recall, he was calling from Arizona or somewhere out west. That was nice to hear too.

I also found out I got an A on my most recent class that I completed. Woo-hoo again! I was REALLY relieved with that one. Considering the fact that I took the final exam about three hours after I broke up with my boyfriend and my mind was kind of. . . not really there, I really thought I had blown it. I guess I managed to come through yet again.

Yesterday my team got the results of the first week of the Survivor Challenge. *Sigh.* We are tied for tenth. So that's not horrible, but we need to do better. I'm trying to motivate my team so we can do better next week. There are 23 teams. There is a team in my department (that my boss is on) that I have a friendly rivalry with. . . they are the ones I'm tied with. That's funny. But one of the big managers is ahead of both us in 7th place and we have all decided that he can NOT win. So we all have to raise the stakes a little bit. It's only the first week so there's still time. And they're not even counting bonus points or anything. . . those don't go in the final tally until the end so it's a surprise. So who knows who's really ahead of the game? Craziness, huh? But it's so much fun. All I know is I drank 9 12-oz bottles of water yesterday so I will be so water logged by the time this is over.

I am very happy today because I am wearing a dress that I was unable to fit into a year ago because it was two sizes too small. Now it's actually a little big. Ahhh. . . the wonders of weight loss. Even though I am exhausted and I know that it will be a long day, I am going to repeat to myself what my coworker Chris says to himself every morning when he gets to work: Today is going to be a good day.


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