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Location: Naples, Italy

Living in Italy with my husband, who is a civilian employee of the US Navy. I am addicted to books!

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

I know you're all oh so curious. . .

I know that everyone is just dying to find out how my date on Monday went. Well it went just splendidly. And. . . that's all I'm going to say. Ha. Just kidding. Adam and I met at Longhorn steakhouse about halfway between our respective towns. I arrived about five minutes or so before he did, but then again I'm usually early. He was very attractive and tall. As Seth would say, that's hot. :) We didn't seem to be at a loss for conversation the entire night, so that's a good sign. Conversation flowed very well. We talked and we laughed a lot. After we ate, we sat there for about an hour or so just talking some more. I liked that. I was comfortable with him. I'm sure he was having a good time with me too. He had mentioned that he hadn't had a good day at work, but then toward the end of the night he said that his day was looking up because he had had a nice dinner with me. So that was nice. He walked me to my car after dinner and we actually talked for several minutes more. We just can't seem to shut up around each other. So we met each other for dinner at 8, but I didn't leave the restaurant until close to 10:30. He didn't really say he would call me when we left, but I think he will. Now is the painful process of waiting for him to call. I'm not really that worried though. I think if he wasn't planning on ever seeing me again, he would have "closed the match." In the world of eharmony, that's what you do when you don't want to communicate with that person ever again. So I'm just going to be patient and wait it out. Sounds good in theory.

Meanwhile. . . last night I had a very interesting phone call from another guy I met on eharmony. His name is Rajiv and he's originally from India. At first when he called me, he got my voice mail. He thought my outgoing message was funny. He gets bonus points because I think he's the only person that's actually said something about my new message. Anyway, we talked for a while and he seems interesting and very nice. He's well traveled, which I like. He's lived in Philadelphia and San Francisco. Of course he highly recommends San Francisco. Please. . . who wouldn't love the West Coast?? Smart man, I think. He e-mailed me right after we got off the phone and said that I'm a fun person. But of course. I guess we'll see where this one goes. I'm taking everything one day at a time.

Okay, so on to something of actual value going on in our world today. I'm sure you're all aware that our illustrious President has nominated someone to replace Sandra Day O'Connor on the Supreme Court. I'm sure all of you also know that this means women, gay people, minorities, and anyone who is for the separation of church and state is pretty much screwed. Oh there are other issues as well. But considering the fact that Judge Roberts once wrote a brief stating he thinks the law legalizing abortion should be overturned. . . I'm a little more concerned with my rights at the moment. Does that sound horribly selfish? Of course I'm also concerned about gay marriage. The man is a conservative, for crying out loud. Oh well. I guess there's nothing I can do about it. I didn't put Bush in office. Nor did I put the senators in office who are going to push for Roberts' confirmation. I'm glad I voted this last election. It may not have done much, but at least I can say that much. I'm sure Roberts wouldn't dare overturn the abortion law though. There would be way too much backlash. Or maybe he would. Argh. Too heavy of a subject for hump day.

On a brighter note, it hasn't rained today and Hurricane Emily missed us completely. Yay! Of course, I do feel sorry for the people of Texas and Mexico because they are feeling her wrath as I'm typing this blog. Actually, they've been feeling her wrath since 7:00 am this morning. But Georgia still has millions of dollars of hurricane damage left from Dennis and Cindy, so we didn't need any more. And apparently, it's going to get up to 95 today. Man that's hot!


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