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Location: Naples, Italy

Living in Italy with my husband, who is a civilian employee of the US Navy. I am addicted to books!

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Odds and Ends

My life has been a little crazy lately, which is why I've been a little slack on my posts lately. I do apologize.

I have been babysitting for my two beautiful godsons this week. Kim needed daycare that wasn't totally expensive, so she offered to pay me to watch them three days a week (the other two days, I still work for my dad). It's great because I get to spend time with them and I get extra money, which I do need. I always spend the night with Kim the night before I'm supposed to watch them. I've been going straight from Kim's to class or from the shelter to Kim's. It's been a little maddening. But the boys are great. Of course they have their fussy moments. The oldest one, Christian (who is 2 1/2), has finally learned my name and says it all the time now. Of course when he says "Cindy," there are times when it comes out as "candy." So adorable.

I've pretty much gotten my Christmas shopping done. I have one gift to buy and then I guess I'll get some Christmas cards. I've been trying to find Friends, Season 10 forever. I've gone to numerous stores and every single one of them is sold out. I'm going to try one more store tonight and then I may just have to give up. Or go to Best Buy, but that'll be more expensive. I've ordered a couple of things so I just hope that they get here in time for Christmas. I can't believe Christmas is just a little over a week away and 2005 is almost over. Halleujiah! This year has been really exhausting so I'm looking forward to the end of it. Kim and I are making plans for New Year's Eve. There are so many things going on and we just have to decide what we're going to do. We just have to find a babysitter for that night and we'll be set.

Well that's been my life lately. Not very exciting, I know. I've been busy with work and school. And thank goodness I have my final exam next Monday and I will be done until January 10th. Woo-hoo!


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