Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree

Yes, this is my Christmas tree. You can barely tell, but there are some lights on the tree. It may seem sad, but it's a lot easier to deal with than an actual tree. I'll just wait till I get my own apartment to get my own tree. I do like the look of my little wooden tree with presents underneath it. None of these presents are for me though as the ones that are for me are all under someone else's tree. I love buying things for other people. I had a lot of fun picking out gifts. I have ordered a couple of things online and I just hope they get here by Christmas. Of course two of those are for my godsons and they're so young that Christmas Day is just like two weeks from Christmas Day. It doesn't even matter. Isn't being young grand? My schedule has been so crazy lately that I've been a little slack with mailing Christmas stuff to my friends out of town. But my class ended yesterday. Woo-hoo! Now I have a three week break until grad school and my Spanish class. Sweet.
On another note, I have been blessed by God twice in two days. Seriously, I love it that Christians assume everyone is their religion and that everyone believes in God. What if I were Jewish? And you don't see Jewish people saying, "Happy Hanukkah" to everyone. Christians just want to believe that everyone thinks like them and if they don't, then by all means let's convert them. Speaking of which, Kim said she was going to make me go to church with her on Christmas Day. Ha. I'm not going to some building and have some preacher talk for two hours about stuff that I think is a load of hogwash. I'm just going to be rolling my eyes internally the entire time. She's not the first Christian to try to get the atheist to go to church and I'm sure she won't be the last. Oh well. It's the price you pay for living in the south, I guess. Well, I'll take care of that problem as soon as possible.
I must say, Uno -- that when I first read your line "I have been blessed by God twice in two days", I got really freaked out and I thought I lost you to the religious right! But then I came to my senses. . . :-D
How could you ever doubt our one and only saviour... Homer Simpson?
When we finally got out christmas tree up, I had to almost rearrange the lounge to accommodate it. Cameron reckoned we should just decorate the "airwalker" (exercise machine) lol.
But it's up now, the house is a mess and it's ok, cos I'm tired of stressing about it.
A very merry christmas to you and yours Cynthia :)
oh I forgot to ask you earlier when I was in here, did you ever receive my christmas card?
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