The Early Bird Special
I know it's been a while since my last post, but I've been a little busy. Not to mention sick. Thanksgiving weekend was good, although I had a horrible cold the entire holiday. Friday, I actually got up at 5 am to brave the crowds and take advantage of the specials. I went to Target and Wal-Mart. Let's just say that it was madness. Total and complete madness. I remember when I worked at K-Mart and had to work the day after Thanksgiving. I am so glad that I was on the other side of the counter this year. I came back to my grandmother's around 9 because that's when they wanted to go shopping. 5 am was a little early for them. Wimps. But before we could leave, something happened. My grandmother hit my car. My poor car. She busted one of my tail lights. She felt really bad about it. But she completely forgot that my car was in her driveway and when we were leaving, she didn't even look in her mirror and just ran right into it. She felt really bad about it, but I told her it was cool. At least this accident wasn't my fault.
We still went shopping after the accident. There were still awesome sales out there. I did get a couple things for myself (how could I resist?) and I also got a couple things for other people. By the end of the day though, I felt pretty miserable. My cold had escalated and my throat was so sore that I could barely speak. I also got a migraine on top of that. Nice, huh? But I went home with my grandmother and she took very good care of me. She gave me medicine and we had Thanksgiving leftovers for dinner. I enjoyed spending time with her. Saturday, I could barely speak (still), so I called in sick to the shelter and played hooky all day. That night, I did venture out to have Mexican food and see a movie with Seth. We saw "Rent." It was very good. It was moving, sad, funny, and inspirational. The music was awesome. I wouldn't mind seeing it again, but I don't think I'll go see it 8 times in the theatre like "Chicago."
I am getting so excited about Christmas. Even though I don't have a lot of money to spend on people this year, I love getting people stuff. I have been searching on and there are tons of DVD sets that I want. Very classic shows like Bewitched, Garfield, Heathcliff, and Looney Tunes. The only thing that's on my list for my parents are DVD's and a couple of books. If anyone else is wandering what I want, just go to my wishlist. :)
I just wish the weather would get colder. It's still near 60 degrees outside and that just isn't cold enough for the Christmas season dammit. Ahhh. . . that makes me miss Rochester. I'm sure it's freezing up there.
We still went shopping after the accident. There were still awesome sales out there. I did get a couple things for myself (how could I resist?) and I also got a couple things for other people. By the end of the day though, I felt pretty miserable. My cold had escalated and my throat was so sore that I could barely speak. I also got a migraine on top of that. Nice, huh? But I went home with my grandmother and she took very good care of me. She gave me medicine and we had Thanksgiving leftovers for dinner. I enjoyed spending time with her. Saturday, I could barely speak (still), so I called in sick to the shelter and played hooky all day. That night, I did venture out to have Mexican food and see a movie with Seth. We saw "Rent." It was very good. It was moving, sad, funny, and inspirational. The music was awesome. I wouldn't mind seeing it again, but I don't think I'll go see it 8 times in the theatre like "Chicago."
I am getting so excited about Christmas. Even though I don't have a lot of money to spend on people this year, I love getting people stuff. I have been searching on and there are tons of DVD sets that I want. Very classic shows like Bewitched, Garfield, Heathcliff, and Looney Tunes. The only thing that's on my list for my parents are DVD's and a couple of books. If anyone else is wandering what I want, just go to my wishlist. :)
I just wish the weather would get colder. It's still near 60 degrees outside and that just isn't cold enough for the Christmas season dammit. Ahhh. . . that makes me miss Rochester. I'm sure it's freezing up there.
Everywhere else on here I'm reading that it's dang cold, too damn cold, and here you are complaining that it's not cold enough lol
I love the christmas season too, but I'd sure love it more if I had extra money. I think I say that every year, and still manage to survive it anyway. lol
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