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Location: Naples, Italy

Living in Italy with my husband, who is a civilian employee of the US Navy. I am addicted to books!

Monday, November 07, 2005

Bah Humbug

It's the second week of November and I am already beginning to hear the sound of Santa's reindeer. Shoot me now. I don't mean to sound like a scrooge. Really, I don't. But if I'm going to be listening to ten different versions of "The Christmas Song" or "Santa Clause is Coming to Town" for the next month and a half, then we're going to have a problem. As in, the sound of Christmas music will probably make me want to gouge out my ears by the time that December 25th finally gets here. The stores are also getting ready for the holidays by marketing all of their holiday goodies. Christmas colors galore! Is it my imagination or do the store gods start celebrating Christmas earlier and earlier every year? I guess it's just hard for me to get into the Christmas spirit until at least Thanksgiving. Before you know it, we'll be seeing wrapping paper, red and green bows, and stockings hanging on the shelves at Halloween. I think someone needs to put their foot down.

This has been a really hard year for me and I'm happy about the fact that it's almost over. I know that I have this thing for being optimistic and bouncing back remarkably well after crappy things happen (at least, according to Luke's blog tribute to me). It's been a little harder lately, but I think I've done a good job of bouncing back. Things are stressful and hard, but I'm feeling better about things. I've just decided to reevaluate things in my life. Things aren't as bad as they seem, even if I am stressed out and even if I still get depressed occasionally. Things aren't even that bad if I have to put up with a month and a half of non-stop Christmas music.


Blogger Luke said...

Hey, XMas music rocks. Well, not until Thanksgiving, you're right. And you do bounce back, just be assured in the fact that you manage to come out stronger in the end.

November 07, 2005 5:07 PM  

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