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Location: Naples, Italy

Living in Italy with my husband, who is a civilian employee of the US Navy. I am addicted to books!

Thursday, November 03, 2005

The danger of parking garages

I despise the parking garage at my school. Or maybe I should say that I hate the people that drive in them. People seem to think that regular driving rules do not apply when you're driving in one. For instance, I'm under the impression that a parking garage is like a road. You drive on the right side of the garage. I also think that you should not be driving 60 miles an hour in those things. I guess there are no speed limits in parking garages. I slow down when I enter the garage. I can't tell you how many times some idiot has come tearing around a corner in the garage and we've both had to practically slam on our brakes to keep from hitting each other. Not only is the other person often going about 40 or 50 miles an hour, but he or she is usually driving straight down the MIDDLE of the aisle. So that person has to move out of my way when he slows down to keep from hitting me. Then the person actually looks at me as if I'm the idiot. Seriously, what the hell is your hurry if it's the end of the day and you're leaving anyway?? Just take a second and slow down people! Those parking garages are a hazard and I swear someone is going to get in an accident one day. Knowing my luck, it'll probably be me.

I e-mailed my professor from my class that ended last week and I got an "A." Woo-hoo. I guess my perfect GPA is still intact. I'm trying to get with my advisor on a plan for next semester. I want to double up on classes next term, but I need her permission. Hopefully, I can finish my classes by the end of the summer and then I have my internship and then I'll be done. That will be great. I just need my advsisor's permission to double up. I'll be taking 2 classes a term (3 including my Spanish class) and it might get a little busy with volunteering and work, but whatever. I never back down from a challenge so it's all good. I'm very nervous about starting my internship, but at the same time I'm getting very excited. I can't wait! It feels good to be excited about things again.


Blogger Luke said...

The parking garage thing is universal. I think everyone can recall an experience like the one you've shared. Congratulations on the A and best of luck doubling up. When does your next semester begin?

November 04, 2005 9:44 AM  
Blogger Cynthia said...

Well I just started a class this week. But when that one ends in December, I get a three week break. Then I start a new term in January, which is when I will begin doubling up and stuff. I'm sure I will be able to handle it.

November 04, 2005 11:45 AM  

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