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Location: Naples, Italy

Living in Italy with my husband, who is a civilian employee of the US Navy. I am addicted to books!

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

I love weddings

This weekend was a great weekend although it started a little rocky. I had to drive myself to the airport on Friday and search for parking. Lines were a mess and I was afraid I would miss my flight. I didn't need that mess. Anyway, I finally make it on the plane and I heave a huge sigh of relief. I call Luke (not the one getting married) to let him know what time I'll be arriving, although I wasn't really sure he cared. We left the gate and began down the runway. Our flight was supposed to leave at 1:45. Apparently, that wasn't going to happen because the pilot came over the loudspeaker to let us know that we were #15 in line for take-off and there is about ten minutes in between each plane to take-off. Big delays.

Anyway, I was exhausted from my long day and my stupid doctor's appointment so I fall asleep. I was drifting in and out of consciousness when the disembodied voice of the pilot came over the speakers again to let us know that apparently one of the passengers did not feel comfortable flying into D.C. so we were turning around and taking him back to the gate. Everyone was very confused and a little irritated. We didn't know what was going on. The guy who got off the plane was in his early 20's and he didn't look sick or anything. It turns out that he was an Orthodox Jew and he's not supposed to travel after sundown on Fridays. Because of the delay, he was worried that he wouldn't make it. When he got off the plane, security protocol dictated that the flight attendants search the plane for bombs and they made sure every bag had its owner, etc. So we didn't take off until nearly 3:30. What really pissed me off was the fact that there was this woman behind me who went off on the guy and said he should be arrested and banned from ever flying that airline again. What the hell? She said that he had a "lack of intelligence." She also said that it was "these people" who refused to fight in the military because they're too religious. Now who has the lack of intelligence? Aren't we supposed to respect other people's beliefs in this country? I wanted to turn around and tell her what I thought about her viewpoints, especially since she was teaching all these things to her teenage son. But then I realized that if this guy has a right to his religious beliefs, then she has every right to be a bigot. To each his own, I guess.

After I finally got to D.C., things got much better. I hung out in my hotel room that night. The next day was the wedding and it was so beautiful and sweet. Luke and Laura are such a sweet couple it makes my teeth hurt. They are my role models. I know if anyone can survive the 70% divorce rate, they can. :) The ceremony was very short and then it was on to a reception with great food, great dancing, and an open bar. We did the Electric Slide and the Macarena, which I haven't done since high school. It was so great. I saw people I haven't seen in years, so I was happy about that. I saw Luke, who I haven't seen in months and months. He hasn't changed much. Same old, same old. I guess I'll see all of them again at the next wedding. Maybe it'll be mine in five years. After the wedding, we went back to the hotel to change clothes and then we all went downtown to hang out with the happy couple for a few hours. I had a fabulous time with them. I wish I could have seen more of D.C., but that was a little hard considering when I got there. Oh well. . . someday.

It was nice to get away. During the wedding and everything, I actually managed to get my mind off of everything that was going on. Now I feel like I need another vacation or break or distraction or something. If I could afford it, I'd go visit Cindy again. I don't know. Maybe Christmas or New Year's. Luke isn't visiting me anymore so I guess I can. I want to go somewhere, but I'm not sure. Maybe I'll stay here, but when class ends I'll just lock myself in my apartment and pretend I'm on vacation. No phones, no outside contact. I'll even take time off from work, buy plenty of groceries and not go anywhere. Doesn't that sound nice?

Well I'm tired now and must hit the sack. Actually, my version of hitting the sack now includes tossing and turning for a solid hour before falling into a restless sleep. But I guess I have to do that, too.


Blogger Luke said...

Of course I was happy to hear from you and see you again. I had a lot of fun while we were all together. Talk to you soon.

October 18, 2005 1:44 PM  

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