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Location: Naples, Italy

Living in Italy with my husband, who is a civilian employee of the US Navy. I am addicted to books!

Friday, October 21, 2005

HPV Vaccine

I went to the doctor today for my final treatment regarding my symptoms. The doctor has said that my symptoms have completely cleared up. I still have some scar tissue from the treatments and I'm not really sure when that's going to heal, but other than that I'm fine. Hopefully, I'll start to feel like a human being again soon. Maybe I'll even feel like dating again eventually. But right now, I'm still enjoying being alone I think. As strange as that sounds.

So I have heard and read numerous things regarding an HPV vaccine that is being developed by the FDA. Unfortunately, it looks like it will only do any good to those who do not yet have HPV and to young girls who are not yet sexually active. Of course there are religious groups already who are protesting the development of this vaccine because they feel that if you give it to 12 or 13 year old girls, then you are basically giving them permission to engage in premarital sex. Some feel that 12 or 13 is too young to be talking to kids about sex.

Here are my feelings regarding this very controversial subject. I feel that regardless of whether you are going to wait until you're married to have sex or not, you are too young to have sex when you are a teenager and in high school. You're just not mature enough to handle it at that age. However, I believe that you should begin talking to kids about sex when they are 9 or 10 and you should teach them about safe sex. . . not just abstinence. Here's why. If you wait until they reach puberty (as most parents do), they have so much going on in their brains that they can't hear you, nor do they want to. Also, they have probably already received so much misinformation from their friends and from movies about sex that they don't know what is what. Some 16 year olds may have even had sex, but their parents are just burying their heads in the sand. The sad fact is that most parents don't teach their kids about sex. They say: "Don't do it" and that's it. The problem with this is what most kids consider abstinence. Let's say that the kids actually do refrain from having sex (it could happen). A lot of them still engage in oral. But since they have received no safe sex education, they don't realize that they can get STD's from this. Some women don't know that you can get pregnant during or right after your period. Of course, you can. Believe me. That's why abstinence-only education doesn't work. Thanks to George Bush, that's pretty much all that is taught. Parents do not help.

Young girls need this HPV vaccine and they need to be talked to about sex earlier than 13. You can get HPV, even if you don't have intercourse. You can get it from skin-to-skin contact or by oral sex. Besides, what happens if the girls get married and their husband is a cheating bastard? I know someone who got it that way so it happens. This is the most common STD in the world and the most common cause of cervical cancer in women. Men can carry this disease for years and not even know they have it until they give it to a woman because they have no visible symptoms. It's very important that we vaccinate against this if we can. It's just sad that if the vaccine does survive FDA approval, that there are a lot of parents who won't give their daughters this vaccine because they are scared they will give their children ideas. I can't wait to have children. Oh wait. . . yes, I can.


Blogger Lisa said...

It's a scary thought that girls as young as 13 are having sex. I've tried to educate my boys from an early age about safe sex...not sure it got through, but I don't quite know what else to do about it now. I've told them and hope they use the information wisely. They also learn about it in health class at school. Somewhere along the line I'm hoping like hell it sinks in. I even tried with Cameron again the other day (mentioned condoms), he came back with "I know Mum, no need to keep talking about it!" I think I'm starting to piss him off lol

When they eventually have sex, I'm hoping it'll be the kind I'm getting at the moment...that way there won't be any STDs involved for either party lol

October 23, 2005 4:52 AM  
Blogger Cynthia said...

That's good that you keep talking to your kids about safe sex. Most parents are so uncomfortable that they don't even bother. I'm sure your kids will be responsible when the time comes. And phone sex is definately the safest kind of sex there is. No risk of STD's or pregnancy there! :)

October 23, 2005 6:10 PM  

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