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Location: Naples, Italy

Living in Italy with my husband, who is a civilian employee of the US Navy. I am addicted to books!

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

My weekend

Okay, so I'm a lousy blog updater. Bite me. :) Saturday started off with a trip to Target for a birthday present for my sister. Of course, I spent way too much money, which is usually whasent happens at Target. I bought my sister's present (Friends DVD box set) and several other odds and ends, like a photo album, hammer, nails, etc. Weird combo, I know. Then I hurried to work and it was kind of slow. This allowed me to catch up on so much work that I was behind on. And except for the fact that the computer system went down twice (argh), it was a pretty decent day. I left work at 10:00 and got stuck in a little traffic due to an accident. When I finally got home, I had a snack, watched some TV, and wrapped my sister's present. I went to bed around 2:00 and woke up at 9:00. I took a shower and Jenifer (my sister) arrived a little after 10. My family decided to have a birthday cookout at my uncle's pool. My sister and I went to the pool and my dad went to get the food to be grilled. Jenifer and I were the first to arrive and we just hung out talking. Eventually more people showed up and got in the pool. I mingled. Seriously, my family pisses me off sometimes. We ate dinner, had cake, opened presents. At around 5:15, I left to go see Seth. Yay! On the way, a rock attacked my car. Yes. . . a rock. I was driving along the interstate, singing along to Billy Joel, when all of a sudden. . . . a rock comes out of the air and hits my windshield. It cracked it pretty good, too. It was almost as if someone had thrown it at my car. It happened just as I was passing under a bridge. But I didn't see anyone and I was scared. I had no idea what to do. Craziness. I made it to Seth's and stood outside banging on his door for a good ten minutes because Seth was in the shower and didn't hear me. He did greet me at the door wearing nothing but a towel. Hehe. We left his place and he took me to the space where he'll have his business. The office is small, but it's a good space. He'll have tons of space to keep his cars. Then we left to go eat dinner and see a movie. I did tell him what my family said about him and me. He thought it was funny. He said that next time he sees my family, he's going to flirt with me and he'll flirt with every single one of them individually. He wants to confuse the hell out of them. Oh man, Seth is awesome. We ate dinner at Sonic and then we went to see Manchurian Candidate. Neither Seth nor myself liked the movie very much. It was boring at times, very long, and ended weird. Oh well. . . it's a good thing Seth was the one who paid for the movie. :) We didn't get back to his place till 12:30. Seth and I were sad about leaving each other, so I invited him back to my place. His mom needed the car, so I said we could go in my car and I would take him home the next night since I was off on Mondays. I went inside with him to get his stuff and I chatted with his mom for a while. She's awesome and she loves me. Hehe. It's funny because I still call her "Dr." Daigle, even though she's not my professor anymore. I can't believe that Seth and I have known each other for 4 years. I met him when he came with his mother on a class trip that Kim and I were a part of. How could she have known that Seth and I would become best friends? It's funny how things turn out. So Seth and I finally leave his place around 1:00 am, so we don't get home until 2:30. We're both tired, but we got kind of interested in Eyes Wide Shut, which we had never seen. The parts we saw were interesting, but it wasn't supposed to go off until 4:30 and both of us fell asleep before the end. It was also boiling in my room because my thermostat is broken or something. I actually woke up at 9:30 (only 6 hours of sleep) and I watched TV and killed time until Seth woke up at 11:30. We had lunch, watched Roseanne and Runaway Bride (which he had never seen(, and just had fun. Then he took a shower and we got ready to go. We had to go to Wal-Mart to get a photo album (I was not happy with the one I got at Target) and some Raid because I seem to have an ant problem. I think they're coming from the garage. I don't even have any food laying out. Anyway, we have fun shopping at Wal-Mart, especially because Seth pushes me around in a wheelchair for the hell of it. Then we head to Sonic, where we eat way too much and then it's off to drive him home. Boo-hoo. We say our goodbyes and I head for home. I get home at 10:00. Then, I began arranging photos in my beautiful new photo album while watching Will and Grace. Then I watched Friends and caught up on my blog. Now I'm exhausted and my apartment is a mess, but I'm exhausted. I'm taking the trash out and then I'm hitting the sack. Night night.


Blogger Luke said...

Thanks for the update ma'am! Looks like you are having just as much fun as I am in Rochester! :)

August 10, 2004 10:52 AM  

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