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Location: Naples, Italy

Living in Italy with my husband, who is a civilian employee of the US Navy. I am addicted to books!

Friday, August 13, 2004

Blah. . .

These past three days have been very blah. On Tuesday, I did. . . stuff. . . I just don't remember what. I know that work was involved. And eating and sleeping. I know that I finally balanced my checkbook and that I have more money than I thought I did. Yay. I also e-mailed Kim to tell her that we should end our fight already. Then, I slept.

Wednesday. . . I woke up, went to work. Work was busy, but uneventful. I came home and made myself a dinner of spaghetti with whole wheat pasta. And I made the sauce from scratch, thank you very much. Okay, so I took some plain Hunt's tomato sauce and added my own spices. Whatever, same thing. It was yummy, too. Then I chatted with Luke a little. He's awesome. He may come see me in October. Double yay. I hope he brings Laura with him. It's nice to show people that Georgia isn't a complete hellhole. The more people that know, the faster word will spread throughout the country. And Independence Air flies from Washington to Atlanta for only $59 each way. Hint, hint Laura. :) Then I did various things on my computer (no dirty stuff, I promise). Then I chatted with Dos. I told her that I could come visit her in LA for her winter break. I can hardly wait. I need another vacation. . . desperately. I'm looking forward to all the food. Hehe. . . figures. Then I got totally pissed off (not at Dos). Okay. . . question. Do I have the word "slut" tattood on my forehead?? Or can you just tell it by speaking to me?? This online guy (who I've never met and have only spoken to a handful of times) is coming to GA from CA in September for five days and he wants to "meet" me. And I'm pretty sure he doesn't just want to hang out. What makes him think that? And here's a tip: if you've never even met a woman, don't call her "baby." God, that pisses me off. I can't even tell him off. I don't have the guts. Yech. I am so sick of straight men I could throw up a little.

Oh yeah. . . still no word from Kim.

Thursday. . . I am such an idiot. In my pissed off state last night, I set the alarm for SEVEN instead of eight! Argh! The alarm goes off and I'm like, what the hell?? I do manage to fall asleep again for about 15 minutes. I didn't even go to bed till after 1:30. The day pretty much goes downhill from there. I get stuck in traffic because idiots feel like slowing down to stare at an accident. Oy. Customers piss me off at work, managers piss me off, and the computer pisses me off. Notice a trend? My computer system actually went down for well over an hour. So I'm pissed off and tired as well. All of these factors made for a very unproductive day. I spent time thinking about the winter trip to LA. I know that it's early, but I realized that if I didn't ask for vacation time soon, I might not be able to go. December is a crazy time and everyone will be wanting to go out of town. Hopefully, Dos will let me know when her break is soon. Hint, hint Dos. Hehe. I love her, but she's a last minute kind of girl. Seth called me at work. We chatted for a while. We decided that if Kim didn't call me by Saturday, then we would plan on him going to the concert with me. Good cause I spent $100 on those tickets. . . certainly don't want them to go to waste. Work finally ended. I came home and made myself some leftover spaghetti and salad for dinner. Then I just worked on the computer and watched TV. I'm going to make myself get up early and work out. We'll see how that goes. Now, I'm going to watch Friends and Just Shoot Me before bed. Hey, it's not much, but it's all I've got.

Oh yeah. . . still no word from Kim.


Blogger Luke said...

Keep your chin up! Kim will get over it eventually. I'm looking forward to coming down in October! Maybe in September we can plan the weekend and whatnot.

Cindy, Laura and I are going to see Sheila this weekend! We'll tell her hi for ya!

August 13, 2004 9:37 AM  

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