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Location: Naples, Italy

Living in Italy with my husband, who is a civilian employee of the US Navy. I am addicted to books!

Thursday, December 07, 2006


What is it about having kids that makes parents lose all respect for all other people? I'm talking about all the unruly kids that are wreaking havoc in grocery stores and restaurants across the country. They were talking about this on the radio yesterday and some parents feel that those without kids couldn't possibly understand and that kids should be able to do whatever they please in public. Apparently, just because I am without child, then this means I should accept that someone else's child is ruining my dinner or movie with their shenanigans. Bullshit. It's common courtesy. If you can't control your child, take them out of the damn store. Or restaurant. Or movie theatre. Whatever. When I have children, I will certainly respect other people. My sister once let her son (who is one and a half) scream bloody murder in a restaurant. In her case, she actually could have stopped it because he just wanted to sit in her lap. If she had let him, he would have shut up. But no, her needs were more important. Her boyfriend offered to take him out of the restaurant, but she didn't allow that either. Heaven forbid he be out of her sight for five minutes. What a bitch. Okay, that's my rant for the day.

I love Christmas. It's the second week of December and I already have most of my shopping done. Two more gifts to go. Woo-hoo! Boy Wonder and I went tree shopping last night to get a tree for his place. I think I'm finally getting into the Christmas spirit. It took awhile, but it's here. And hearing Mariah Carey's, "All I want for Christmas" definitely helps. Yes, I admit it. I like that song. This weekend, Boy Wonder and I are going to TWO hockey games. I'm so excited. Damn, I love hockey. All those big, burly guys in uniforms pounding each other to get this little bitty puck. Mmmm. . . . so hot.


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