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Location: Naples, Italy

Living in Italy with my husband, who is a civilian employee of the US Navy. I am addicted to books!

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

I need a beer or a penis

Yeah. . . I hear you. That, my dear friends, was not spoken by me. That was spoken by some fellow tourist as she was shopping for souvenirs. I can definitely echo the sentiment. Come on. . . you know you were thinking it, ladies.

Okay, so the night before I left was kind of a nightmare but I don't want to go into that now because frankly I don't want to think about it. I'm in paradise, for crying out loud. Packing was crazy. I had a feeling I would forget a few things and I was right. I forgot deodorant and my eyeglass cleaner. How did that happen? But I've borrowed Kim's deodorant, so I still smell good. And they have water here so I can still clean my glasses and see all the sights of the Bahamas. Good thing, too. You would not believe the oceans here. The water is so crystal clear it is like one giant swimming pool. It's so warm, too. It's so relaxing that it almost feels like we've been here one big, long day. We've gone snorkeling, kayaking, we've walked about a million miles. We've lounged by the pool and we've eaten way too much.

The Bahamians are so friendly and I've learned a lot about their history. The tour guides have been wonderful. The entertainment has been great. The shopping has been great. I love the fact that the people are never in a rush. I have also grown to love how cut off they are. No cell phones work on the island. Not a single one. Cindy would like that. The pay phones to call back to the states charged $20 per call if you wanted to charge a call on your credit card. You have to pay a $50 deposit just to get your phone activated in your hotel ($25 if you are going to make a local call). Believe it or not, 800#s don't even work from the hotel. I did have important people to call (more to come on that later), but I figured that could wait until I got back to the States. It's kind of nice being cut off from civilization. It forces you to focus on yourself and just relax. As all of you know, this is something I badly needed on this trip. There were so many times I felt weird because there was nothing to do. By the end of the trip, I got used to my thoughts meandering about absolutely nothing. It was nice actually.

Tomorrow morning, we leave this glorious island. In a way, I'm really sad because it has really refreshed and energized me. I did get a lot of much needed sleep here. But I'm also excited because the next leg of my adventure starts. Kim and I are off to San Francisco. And Cindy is meeting us there tomorrow night!!! I have been looking forward to seeing her for days!!

Also. . . I have taken some amazing pictures. Don't worry, I will post the best of the best when I return, along with some great stories.


Blogger Tatyanna (and Dorian too) said...

LOL! I know the feeling (of your subject line) very well! Sometimes both come in handy. :)

It's sooo wonderful to hear you so relaxed and just taking time to have plain old fun! It IS a change for us Americans especially to be so disconnected from "life." But then you find how peaceful and serene it is to just eat and walk and soak in the ocean waters. Live it up, girl! You are one of the most deserving people in the world after all the hard work you've been doing.

I'm so excited to hear about your trip when you come home!

May 05, 2006 9:35 PM  
Blogger Luke said...

See you soon!

May 11, 2006 3:37 PM  

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