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Location: Naples, Italy

Living in Italy with my husband, who is a civilian employee of the US Navy. I am addicted to books!

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Stupid doctors

Last Monday, I finally went to see my neurologist. Yay for me. After forty-five minutes of waiting to be called (talk about being late), I finally go back there and it is time for the dreaded weigh-in. The last time I went to this doctor (in September), I didn't mind this so much because I knew that I was at my ideal weight and I loved. . . absolutely loved, my body. Well, I get on the scale and the nurse weighs me. She doesn't say anything, which is good. I don't want to know, even though I already do. When we go into the little room to take my blood pressure, she starts making comments like apparently she wants to weigh me again because she can't believe what the scale says. She says she wants to weigh me again, this time with my shoes off. She asks if my shoes were on the last time they weighed me, which they were. So I took off my shoes and dutifully stepped on the scale again. This time she did tell me my weight and it didn't come as a big surprise. I mean, let's get a little perspective people, okay? I've gained like ten pounds (okay, maybe fifteen) since my last visit so I would hardly call myself obese. I just came to get my drugs so just save the judgment and back the hell off! Even the doctor said something about the fact that I've gained weight. I felt like I had to defend myself. Jesus Christ. Did I say something about the fact that he was an hour and a half late for his appointment with me? What a freakin crock.

Speaking of this whole weight loss thing, I may have to do something drastic. I may have to throw out my scale. And by throw out, I mean. . . hide. We have become mortal enemies. I weighed myself the other day. In five days, that scale has not budged. And I have been working my ass off. I've been eating right and exercising like crazy. I think I need to stop worry about the numbers so much and just do my thing. I did have to up my calorie intake to 1100 though. 1000 was just way too small for the amount of exercise I was doing. Technically, I should probably be getting about 1400-1600 calories a day so I'm still cutting quite a bit of calories. There is this awesome workout thing that I was thinking of getting at It's a personal trainer for your computer. It takes into account your own fitness goals and fitness levels and designs your own personalized workout. You can even choose the setting and music. According to the reviews, you have to workout to it like 100 times to get even close to the same workout. Cool, huh? I would get it if I weren't saving my money for my trip coming up. But I do have a birthday in 2 1/2 weeks. Hint, hint. :) Geez, I'm going to be 26 in 2 weeks. Oy. I had almost forgotten.

Last night, Kim and I went to the Black Eyed Peas and Pussycat Dolls concert. It was totally awesome. It was also a great workout because we were dancing just about the entire time. My legs are a little sore today. But during the Pussycat Dolls part, there were these idiots behind us who kept telling us to sit down. Where the hell did they think we were at? We were at a concert , for crying out loud. No way were we going to sit down. We only sat down for the slow songs. . . and just a few of the songs we didn't know just so we could take a small break. Whatever. They were old. And jealous because we were so hot. Hehe.


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