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Location: Naples, Italy

Living in Italy with my husband, who is a civilian employee of the US Navy. I am addicted to books!

Monday, May 23, 2005

Has it really been that long since my last post??

Okay, so it's been a long time since my last post so I'll try to catch everyone up as quickly as possible. In January, I finally started grad school. Even though my family doesn't understand why I don't want to work at Coca-Cola forever and they have yet to show any real enthusiasm for my new endeavor, I'm excited. Terrified. . . . but excited. I was worried about starting grad school, but I love it. And I finished my first semester with a GPA of 3.85. It's that damn A- in Abnormal that got me. Oh well. The classes are fascinating and I adore everything that I'm learning. It'll only take 3 years and then I'll be on my to a career that I actually love. I still detest my job, but I'm trying to remember why I have to stay. A paycheck, for one thing. Plus, the tuition reimbursement is pretty sweet. And I am so on my way to getting my credit cards paid off, which will make me unbelievably happy.

I also spent several months doing something that I've always wanted to do. . . being a "phone actress." And yes, it is exactly what it means. It was fun. I had a fake name, fake description, fake identity and everything. But it was great. It allowed me to make some extra money in the comfort of my own home. I was a very good actress and I fulfilled a lot of men's fantasies. Of course . . . I did have one woman caller too and that was a very weird call, but I handled it like a pro and just did my thing. Just give the callers what they want. I learned a lot about men though. More than I ever wanted to. Unfortunately, though I had to give it up. Between classes and work and gym and Robert (who I'll get to later), I just didn't have time to do it as much as I wanted, so I wasn't making enough to make it worth it. Maybe another time, though. It was definitely a learning experience.

Now on to something very exciting. . . . my love life. This year has been a little rocky in that area, but hopefully it's settling down. I am dating someone. Yes, I know. I actually have a boyfriend. Fancy that. After all of my playing the field, I actually settled on one. We've been seeing each other for three months and he's. . . . well, he's great. Except for certain things. Yes, he blows off sometimes. Yes, he has a problem calling me when he says he will. Yes, he seems to only want to see me during the week. What is that about? But I think I'm learning to accept that this is just the way he is and as he says, I just take things too personally. I don't know where it's going yet, but for now I'm just going to sit back and enjoy it. He's tall and German and has this accent that drives me crazy. He's also very smart and makes me laugh a lot. So I'm just going to take things one day at a time. Of course if he does stand me up one more time, I'm pretty much going to have to rethink things.

Okay, now that we're all caught up. This summer looks like it's going to be an exciting one. I'm busy making plans to see Luke in June. I am so excited about seeing him and about going to Jake's wedding. I can't believe it's been almost 7 months since we've seen each other! I really can't wait to go to L.A. again either. Today was good as I spent the morning with Robert (the boyfriend). Mornings are ALWAYS good with him :). I also started on a list of things I want to do in my lifetime (I may post the list here when it's finished). A girl I work with had a list like that and she inspired me to do the same. It's nice to have a list of things you want to do before you die. I think it'll keep me in check and force me to do them. There are so many things I want to do. Of course, Robert was criticizing me a little because it seems some of my goals are a little unrealistic. So what if I want to dream big? I mean, seriously.

I then left so we could run errands and stuff. We were supposed to go boating, but I called Robert and he said that it was too windy to go boating. Too bad because I have this fantasy involving a lake and a boat. . . wait, where was I? Hehe. So I went to my uncle's pool instead because I did want to get some sun. My grandmother and I laid out in the sun for an hour or so, but it was too cold to swim, so it was a little boring since we couldn't get in the pool. So then we went back in the house and watched Oprah, where Tom Cruise was on and he was gushing about Katie Holmes. Oh my god. Could he be any happier? Then she came out and I have decided that they are the officially the cutest couple ever. Wow. That should be on my list: to get a man to look at me the way Tom looks at Katie. Could they be any sweeter? Anyway, I left my grandmother's place after Oprah and headed home, where there was a message from Robert. Why he didn't call me on my call I don't know, but whatever. We played phone tag for a while until he could really talk. When he did call, he said he had just gotten home from running errands and was going to be working on redoing his taxes tonight like he's been meaning to do for weeks. And apparently, I can't come over because I am just so irresistible that he won't be able to concentrate on anything else and he won't be able to keep his hands off me. :) Well I didn't think I was that hot, but Robert teaches me new things every day. He said that he would definitely call me later and if he gets his work done, we may get together. We'll see if he calls. Meanwhile, I have to plan for his birthday that is in exactly one week. I think I know what I want to do for him, but I can't really say on here. . . :)

Well, now I'm watching Season Finales of Seventh Heaven and Everwood and just hanging out. I'll make sure and update this later.


Blogger Luke said...

You better update this! I've been waiting since DECEMBER for an update!

Miss you! Post often!

May 23, 2005 8:47 PM  

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